Chapter 25

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The following morning the savory smell of bacon wafted through Dick's nose and aroused the boy from his admittedly peaceful slumber. It took a good few moments for Dick to raise the will to emerge from his blanket cocoon. But with a few well placed kicks and twists he was able to detangle himself from the warm with a shiver before he landed silently upon his feet and wrapped the blanket around his shoulder; it was chilly in the apartment. Dick shuffled into the kitchen as he rubbed his eyes and attempted to smooth down his bed ruffled hair.

With heavy thud Dick dropped himself down upon the counter stool; the same one as the night before. It was once again Yamada in the kitchen as he cooked up a storm. It looked like a typical American breakfast. Eggs, bacon, toast, the whole shabang. Dick couldn't help but to wonder if it was due to his presence in the home. The blonde gave Dick a soft, morning smile and a little wink, "Shouta is still asleep in the other room. I think he's resigned himself to the position of Bastard's and Mochi's pillow,"

Dick brow furrowed as his sleep-addled brain attempted to make sense of the conversation, "Bastard? Mochi?" he asked, his voice raspy from sleep.

Yamada placed down a glass of water in front of the teen, which Dick graciously took, before he explained who they were, "They're our cats. You meet Bastard the other day as he was was running around and demanding food but you won't have meet Mochi, she's much more shy,"

Dick nodded along to the words and the two lapsed into silence. Dick normally hated silence. It reminded him too closely of those lonely nights in Gotham's juvenile detention center and the long cold days after the circus but for now Dick couldn't find it in himself to talk.

The domestic scene of Yamada as he pranced around the kitchen felt like home; like the manor. It felt like it was Alfred in the kitchen as the man made just the right amount of food for all the Waynes. It felt as if any second his brother would come down the stairs as they stumbled and struggled until they would finally plonk themselves down upon the kitchen counter. Tim would make little grabby hands at the coffee mug as he drank far too much coffee for a kid of his age. Jason, if he was at the manor, would prefer a simple glass of water in the morning and Damian would have a cup of herbal tea. Bruce would always be the last one to come downstairs but the only one dressed for the day. With a paper in hand he would do away with his sons as they bickered and discussed the plans for the day. It was domestic, it was right and it was Dick's. But this, with Yamada and Aizawa, while it was sweet and a comfort Dick desperately needed, it wasn't his and Dick couldn't wait to get home back to what is.

Within a few more minutes a plate loaded up with eggs, toast and bacon was placed in front of Dick while Yamada slipped off to wake his husband. Dick had only gotten through a few bits of his toast when the two emerged once again. Aizawa was pressed against his husband as they shuffled along the floor towards the kitchen as a gray cat ran between the two's legs, which caused them to nearly trip twice. That must be Bastard Dick thought with a wiry grin.

Yamada was quick to ever-so-gently place Aizawa upon the kitchen stool before he dropped a plate of breakfast in front of the grouchy man and a steaming cup of black coffee. The same of which Bruce frequented. Soon all three of them were enjoying some home cooked food. One and a half coffee cups later the man was slightly more alive than when he first walked in.

Aizawa with a tired look upon his face despite the recently consumed caffeine, turned towards Dick, "How are you feeling, problem child?"

Dick gave Aizawa his signature smile or more like a grimace, "I'm alright,"

Aizawa's eyes took on a disbelieving glint as he scanned the boy over, "I don't believe you for a second. No one would be okay after what you went through and especially someone who went through it all without the support of a parent,"

Dick simply shrugged, "I'm not most people," he continued to push food around his plate. His appetite has barely been more than cheap ramen and the odd few apples here and then. With such a limited palate and how little he actually eats, anything more than that he would sooner throw up anything than not. The sweet joys of living of his own thieving morals.

Yamada, who had blessedly remained silent until now, looked down at Dick's plate and spoke up before the trio could dissolve into awkwardness. With a familiarly cheerful voice Yamada asked, "You going to finish your plate there Dickie?"

Dick couldn't help but to flinch to the nickname. With all the domestic times oozing out when he first can down and the recent news of his family the familiar names stabbed a blade deep into his heart and through the other side. That was what his brothers called him, his friends, his titian family. That is what his superpowered aunt and uncles with hearts of good called. That was a name meant for family not a man he would be leaving within the course of a year.

The two pros also noticed the abrupt change in Dick's posture. They shared a glance over Dick's head whilst the boy tucked his arms into himself. He took care to avoid the injured one and whilst the angle was weird with a sling Dick pulled it off. He swiftly removed himself from the table and left his plate at the counter. Alfred would be ashamed but Dick couldn't quite find it in himself to care in light of recent events, "If you guys don't mind I think I'll go find the cats and make some new friends,"

Dick did not wait for a response and ran off towards his bedroom. He hardly doubts that there's any cats within the confines of the space especially when food is in the kitchen but it couldn't hurt to check. The white door closed with a soft click and Dick melted against it. He can't believe he's just done that. He never flinches like that. Whatever tentative trust had built up between them and Dick's 'so called' fake family will be destroyed. There is no way he gets away with a flinch from an enduring nickname that doesn't evoke an underlying feel of pain and with the way Aizawa has acted towards Dick's 'dad' it's no question who the suspicion will be directed at. Why else would Dick a flinch from a nickname like that? With all the current facts the answer is obvious what Dick will say; abuse. Stupid. Stupid. Stupid! Each one pronounced with a knock to his skull Dick is an idiot. Now the man will search even harder into Dick's home life.

Dick dragged a hand over his face and pushed himself away from the door with an angry huff. He knows what will get his head on straight. Patrol. A nice, calm patrol filled with as many punches as Dick desires. It may be a stupid idea to head out on patrol whilst he tries to keep it hidden from Aizawa. Well scratch that he knows it's a stupid idea especially injured and stuck within the house of his persona's ally but Dick's never claimed to make in best decisions in the height of his emotions. Plus the injury he currently had was little more than a few good bruises in his standards; at least with Recovery Girl's healing anyways. Dick could just simply use his other hand and he needs more practice with it anyways.

With a plan situated in his mind Dick moved to his bag and rustled around until he pulled out his school book. May as well do something useful while he was here even if he itched to work towards home but he couldn't do that and risked one of his teachers walking in on him. So math it is at least until tonight then real fun begins. For now he just had to avoid Yamada and Aizawa as well as steadily ignore a certain flinch that may or may not have occurred.

Hey guys!! I hope you all enjoyed this chapter! Tell me what you think of Dick going on patrol in the comments below. I sure know that its a stupid idea but to each their own.Also do you think he'll manage to keep it hidden from Aizawa? Until Next time !!!!

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