Chapter 13

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Dick was right to believe it was going to be a shitshow, he just didn't anticipate how big of a show it was going to be. The two childhood (friends? nemesis? Rivals? He wasn't quite sure) went first with Bakugou and Iida being the Villains and Uraraka and Midoryia being the heroes. The two groups entered the decaying building and that's when the show started. Low and behold several explosions later with destroyed floors and a few broken bones, the heroes just barely reigned victorious; of course with a trip to the infirmary. Dick should really bring up the issue with Aizawa: the relationship between Bakugou and Izuku was far from healthy if the fighting and his lips reading were to account for. All Might sure as hell hasn't noticed, too focused on being a quirkists bastard. The next two battles weren't all that interesting, the most eventful part was when candy cane boi pulled a Mr. Freeze and iced the entire building with a frosty face. Just another trauma baby to add to the list he supposed. Dick wasn't so ignorant of this world to not recognize the second hero's son and his aversion to fire. After candy cane there was one last battle, which was over quick, before it was their turn.

Dick and Momo had strategized at the beginning of class (before the 'bone incident' as Dick had elected to call the beat down that was the first battle). They were the villains and with Momo's incredibly versatile quirk the two have created a decently solid plan. They both jogged into the building and swiftly climbed up until they reached about the middle of the skyscraper. They scouted out the rooms and found one with two small windows, just barely enough room to fit a small person. It was exactly what they needed to funnel the heroes through the only entrance, which they had fortified with some handy dandy metal planks, courtesy of the one and only Momo (and no Dick did not blush like a middle schooler when Momo explained what she was doing). When the alarm sounded off, they nodded at each other before Dick slunk out of the room, watching Momo put up the last of the boards.

Sticking to the shadows Dick put enough distance between him and his partner. He raises an arm to his ear and presses down on the comm resting within.

"Testing, how's it on your end miss superstore?" Dick asked, voice just barely loud enough for the comm to pick up as he steadily ran towards the entrance of the building.

A voice floated over the deceive with a brief giggle "I'm doing fine Loyd, I should think it would be me asking such a question,"

"Well everything's all fine over here," reports Dick as peeks around a corner spotting his prize, "scratch that targets located. Initiating plan ''ear buster" with that Dick reaches towards his belt and pulls out a wing-ding. He throws the projectile out towards Kaminari just barely clipping the boy's ear. The blonde gave a startled yelp whipping around and spotting the gloom cloaked figure in the corner. Dick gave a cheeky wave as Jiro muffled a snort before narrowing her eyes to gaze at the dark haired teen. She raises her earphones to strike before a blaring sound erupts from Dick's wing ding. It blinks like a beacon in the building as its shrinking cry echoes throughout the halls. Dick had planted similar wing dings around the building to prevent Jiro from using her quirk effectively and their plan worked flawlessly. The young woman was hunched on the ground, hands clutching her ears with desperate need. Seeing her like that now Dick did feel guilty. They were decent acquaintances; he refuses to use the term friends. He does not have friends here. But it was just a training exercise after all so he push that little nagging bit of doubt aside. In the hero team's momentary distraction Dick sprung over towards the downed hero and wrapped the capture tape around Jiro's wrist effectively taking her out of the battle.

The sound did not yield but Kaminari had regained his wits. The blonde charged at Dick, who was still in the process of standing up, and executed a clumsy tumble to the side before springing back up onto his feet. With a sharp crackle of light the boy charged at Dick. The blonde's body glowed an ominous gold as the lightning danced across his body. It twisted and turned with his every movement creating a bright image. With nowhere left to turn Dick skirted back on his feet and dashed up the stairs towards Momo.

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