Chapter 17

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Frustration was not a new emotion to Dick. He was frustrated when Bruce wouldn't let him swing on the chandler pass the age of 12. He was frustrated when All Might ignored him in training or when his new friends invaded his space, but this had to at least reach top ten. Okay, maybe slightly lower. But either way Dick was very frustrated and more than a little concerned. He had spent all night prowling the streets for the culprit who dusted UA's front doors and he's found not even a whisper of a name. Plus the extremely little he could gain from his half-hazard-nowhere-bat-standard analysis on the dust sample merely confirmed that the dust did originate from the concert type found at the school's gate. That implies that it was quirk induced because a gate does not randomly dissolve, but does anyone one know how many people have dusting related quirks? More than there are crooks in Gotham! (Okay maybe that was an exaggeration, but Dick was annoyed). The only other tidbit of information the vigilante gained was that there were rumours of an attack taking place tomorrow and well, attacks were never a great idea. Hence his frustration.

With such concerns ransacking his brain it led Dick to where he is now. Standing tall amongst the sleepy roofs watching and waiting for his coffee addict companion to show. The light footfalls tapped upon the roof as a shadow cloaked figure emerged in front of him. Perfect timing with a hint of drama; how Eraser.

"Fancy meeting you here Eraser," remarked Dick as he jumped down from the ledge and in front of the hero. Aizawa raised his brows at the display but the concern that was there in the corners of his brows melted away once Dick reached solid ground once more.

Eraser gave him the look "You called me here Wisp," Oh, Dick could just hear the anguish in his voice; it was glorious.

"Now I know you love me, you don't have to lie," Dick cheeky grins, taking great delight in Aizawa's defeated sigh yet the lighthearted moment was brief Shaking out his body Dick takes on a more determined posture as his tone took on a serious note, "I heard about the incident at UA. It is the hot topic of debate down at your average bad-guy-movie-bar," he said as Aizawa raised his eyebrows, "Unfortunately I was unable to get much information. The only tidbit I could find was something about an attack at the school tomorrow. Your crooks have surprisingly tight lips,"

Aizawa's eyes took on an inquisitive look as he disgusted the information as he mentally filled away the use of your before examining the rest of the evidence. He eventually came to a conclusion and looked back at the teen, "It's better than what we were able to find. I'll inform Nezu of the situation but I have faith in UA's security system,"

Dick couldn't help but to flinch at his words. Security system his ass.

"You have faith in a security system that was broken into mere hours before? Quite easily I may add"

Aizawa bristled at Dick's words a defensive gleam comes to his eyes, "UA's security system was created by Nezu himself, arguably one of the most intelligent creatures on the plant,"

"That means jack shit," snapped Dick as he glared down at his teacher, body coiled like a live wire, "I've known people who thought the exact same thing and it nearly cost several lives. The only reason I'm still standing before you is because I went in prepared. You're a fool to take such a threat lightly,"

The two stood tall amongst the buildings as they waited to see who would move first. Dick's head was at a tilt. The wind twirled in his bangs as they danced between the hairs and played with Aizawa lengthy locks. Both were upset. Aizawa's eyes glittered with defense whilst Dick glittered with rage. They waited like crouched lions and they watched to see who would fall first, who was the prey and who was the predator. Aizawa made the first move.

With a misty puff of air the man broke eye contact to raise his sullen gaze to the stars before he dropped it down once more. He ran his scarred hands through his hair and pushed back locks, the wind displaced, "I won't ignore this, like you said I'd be illogical to do so but I must remain faithful to my employer. He's not one to bested easily,"

Dick relaxed his posture, nodding along to his teacher's words, "I know, I just want you to be prepared," the teen conveyed with his eyes what words could not he push as much sincerity through the mask as he could, "I know" he repeated "I just want you to be careful. I've seen to many situations where people were underestimated to not,"

Aizawa gave Dick an appraising look, his eyes calculating in a way that panged Dick's heart. The man looked just like Bruce when his dad was investigating a case or out in the field. Aizawa seemed to come to a conclusion because the intense gaze was gone and a slightly softer one replaced it.

"Do you want to talk about it?"

Dick graced the man with a small smile as he looked to the stars, "That's a story for another time," he said, unable to keep the remission out of his tone.

"I'll always be here to lend an ear, remember that Wisp," Dick more sensed the man take a hesitant step forward than saw it. Dick's ocean eyes were still captured by the twinkling lights above as he wondered what whispers they shared, what secrets they were privy to. The man, however, seemed to second guess himself for he immediately turned on his heel and walked away from the vigilante, "Goodbye Wisp, I'll keep your information in mind. Take care of yourself, you're looking thin," With feather footsteps the man departed and left Dick all alone once more, the wind rustling his hair silently as he asked the stars for guidance.

The teen's gaze remained captured. He took note of the way the stars seemed to flicker and burn, sharing a message only they understood. Fond memories of his hands fisted in his mother's clothes came unbridled into his mind. Dick loved to bury himself in her grasp and hide when the world became too much; oh, how he wished for that now. Sometimes his father would join them as they sat upon the crisp roof of their small trailer, air coming out in little puffs. They took comfort in one another's presence, just simply knowing the others were present was often powerful enough to chase away the fictional nightmares. They would be there in comfortable silence until dawn broke the sky and colours flooded the land once more. The image danced across his thoughts bringing a bittersweet remembrance with it. After his parent's deaths Dick would often find himself alone upon the worn shingles of the manor when the monsters of the night lurked too close and disturbed his sleep. He would stay there bearing the nipping winds of the cold Gotham nights. He remained there safely protected, tucked in his wooliest blanket. He would picture his parent's resting amongst the stardust, flying in the air where they were meant to be born. Bruce eventually found his hide out and the two would stay tucked up close; legs mingled into one. The man would not say a word. He simply held Dick as the boy sniffled through the tears coating his face. Bruce would bear the body racking shudders and the desperate cries of anguish. The rooftop visits grew less as he aged as Dick learned to live with his reality. However, whilst the visits lessened each time that large, commanding man tiptoed along broken shingles to comfort his crying ward. Bruce, with each uneasy step, became so much more than a mentor.

Dick remained frozen upon that roof in a world not of his own wondering if his parents were among these stars too.

Hello everyone !! I didn't think that I'd get a chapter up this week but my teachers have been surprisingly nice this time around and as such I currently have no homework *cue the cheers :)*. I hop you guys are ready cuz I plan to be back to my normal schedule for the new year, so be excited for that.I hope you all like this chapter we are nearly to the kick starter of the series USJ !!!! I've already wrote the first half of the battle and plan on writing the second half this weekend. Also I wonder what you all think about the little Aizawa-Dick mini fight we had going on there (everything seemed a little too perfect and I had to spice it up). I found that to be fun to write as well as the ending paragraph. It didn't originally intend to go down a sullen road at the end but it just felt right in the moment (plus who doesn't enjoy some good ol' hurt Dick).Have a lovely time, whatever what time it maybe and happy holidays ! I'm excited for them and I hope you all have some lovely plans in place for this cheerful time.Until next time ! Remember to drink your water ! Bye !! : )


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