Chapter 19

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*warning* description of injury in detail.

Dick couldn't help but to crackle as he launched himself down into the fray. A kick to the back of gloved goon's head there, an electrified escrima stick to the gut here and a final flourishing back handspring as he launched himself into the closest moving villain. Eraserhead appeared to have finally learned of his presence and gave an undignified shout, "Dick! What are you doing here? You must leave now! This is no place for a trainee!"

Dick could help but feel a little hurt from Eraser's words. Did the man truly think so little of him? While he knows he may play the part of a trainee, could the man not see the skill he possessed? Dick knew he should be glad about the lack of notice yet he couldn't stop his feelings from damage, no matter how small the blow. Any response was prevented when Dick was forced to ducked down under a rubber fist launched at his face. He counters with a swift sweeping of the man's legs and an electric escrima stick to the gut; Dick one, rubberman zero. The student glanced back at the hero, with a teasing lit in his voice Dick flipped himself up and over his attacks, dancing in his own hidden language. "Why Aizawa-sensei do you truly think so little of me? How disappointing,"

Aizawa gave a disgruntled grunt of disagreement "You are not a hero yet, problem child," the two work side by side to steadily eliminate the never ending stream of violent crooks. Dick would dodge a punch whilst the Eraser hero took out the goons with his quirk; nullifying the attacker's greatest weapons. Even if Eraser didn't want him here the man sure as hell didn't complain, thought Dick. However, it was bound to come to an end. Even with all his quirk training Aizawa could only do so much and was eventually forced to blink rendering his quirk useless. It was at the moment Dick would pick up the slack. When one of goons got too close to a shut-eye-Aizawa Dick would deliver a swift and deadly uppercut to the villain's jaw causing them to go unconscious. The two had thinned the herd considerably and were nearly to what appeared to be the ringleader, if the obnoxious accessory was to go by; hands really? Even Gotham villains had more class than that. The baby blue haired man slowly started to slink towards the effective duo; a crazed glint in his single, visible eye. Dick tried to shout a warning to his teacher but he was shut up by a single, black launch of goop. One of the goons in the absence of Aizawa's quirk had managed to attack Dick with their own slime creating mass. The slime was sticky and impossible to gain a grip on as Dick gloved hands scrambled to rid his mouth of the vile sewage, tasting liquid. Just as his vision began to blur and his heartbeat in his veins Dick was able to breathe once more.

He fell to the cold cement floor with a thud. Knees knocking together as he splayed his hands in front of his legs. Chest heaving and vision blurring Dick gave great huff of air relishing the taste of oxygen. Man, you really take the stuff for granted until you can no longer taste the crisp air. Dick stayed there for a good few minutes, the world fading in and out of reality until a heart wrenching shout of his name pierced the air. With a wild look in his eyes Dick drags his gaze up from the very appealing floor (has cement ever looked that comfy before?) and up through his sleek, black bangs. Before him laid a harrowing sight. His teacher's elbow was encased within a single pale, sickly hand. The flesh around Aizawa elbow was cracked apart like an old crackle newspaper; it flaked and disintegrated with little pieces of skin falling off under the offender's grip. Beyond the terrorized skin the muscle and tendons were revealed as the fibers flexed under Aizawa's strain; blood seeping through the cracks dripping down like molasse in rivulets.

The pale haired man who tormented Aizawa in such a way met Dick's eyes. The red irises glinting with bright sparks of delight like mutilated rubies. The boy, for the villain was most definitely a teen, gave a twisted grin in Dick direction. His chapped lips pulled and ripped as his snow-like teeth were revealed. The pale haired man gave a sick laugh that reminded Dick too closely of a certain clown. A purple vortex, the same as before, emerged beside the leader's side. Two glowing eyes were revealed and Dick could just make out a warbled speech, "The students have been transported but one escaped," Dick's heart froze and unfroze in the split second. At least help should be coming soon. The villain growled at the wrapper "We don't have as much play time now!" his voice and movements resembled that of a child in a fit. The teen looked around before his eyes settled on Dick once more, "Oh, well, at least we can still kill some kids. That'll get All Might to arrive if all else fails.

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