Chapter 20

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Chapter 20

"So I think x equals. . .24.5?" Jenna said looking at the finished math problem.

"I thought it was 32.4?" Mike said just as confused as me. There were too many numbers on my paper right now that were giving me a headache. I fucking hate math.

"Wait, nevermind I think it's 27.3 now." Jenna said looking at her calculator.

"Hold on, let me go check with the nerds." Mike said and left to the other side of the room.

"This class will be the death of me, I swear." Jenna sighed with a frown.

"I know and we're not even halfway done with this year."

"I just really need a break now," she said. "Oh that reminds me, are you doing something tonight?"

"Uh, I don't think so. Why?" I questioned. I was curious as to what this was and I just hope it's nothing bad.

"Well, my friend canceled on me tonight for our plans so now I have no one to go with."

"Go where exactly?" I asked.

"Well this guy Alan is throwing a big ass party tonight and I've been looking forward for it since school started," she said, eagerness covering her voice. "You should come with me!"

"I don't know, Jenna. I mean, I don't even know the guy-"

"He won't care, I swear!" She quickly budged in. "Come on, Kellin. It's gonna be bomb as fuck!"

I'm not gonna lie, but from those two other parties I have mixed feelings about them. They're not fun for me, but they're also not that bad.

"If I don't go with someone I'll look like a complete loser! Please Kellin?!" She kept begging and begging that it soon got to the point where I agreed.

I'm a fucking whimp.

"Alrigh, okay." I said making her smile brightly.

"You're not gonna regret it, I promise."

I nodded slowly unsure if I had made the right decision. What can be the harm in another party?


"You sure you don't want to come over?" Vic asked when we stood at my front door.

"Yeah, I mean I have a ton of language arts homework that I need to finish." I said with a small frown.

"Okay, but text me or come over if you need me. You know where I'll be," he said and brought me closer to him.

"Yes, Mr. Clingy." I snickered at him.

"Clingy? No, I just rather be with you then with Mike." He said and then gently brought his lips to mine. The kiss lasted a few seconds before I pulled back. Vic soon left back to his house and I entered my lonesome home.

For the whole day I really tried catching up in my school work but that party was still in my head. I really didn't know what to expect. Yeah, I have Jenna at least but what about the other people? I wish Vic or one of the guys could come. That reminds me, maybe I should've told Vic I was gonna go to a party with Jenna. Eh, it's not that big of a deal.

The evening soon came and so did my mom. I knew I wouldn't be able to tell her about the party since it's a school night, so I'll have to put my sneaking skills to the test. I can't back out now on the party so I need to do it.

Like everyday, my mom arrived, said something quick to me, and then locked her way inside her office. She hadn't even ate dinner but maybe she had eaten something at work.

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