Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

It had finally came. Today was the start of the new school year. Whoo, fucking whoo.

It literally took everything in me to get out of my comfy bed this morning. If it weren't for the loud, deafening yells by my mother, or my alarm clock, I would still be snuggled up against my pillow. But, I knew I couldn't get out of this one today.

I groggily got out of bed and showered away the agony school brought. As soon as I was changed into my clothes, I walked downstairs just in time to find my mom heading to the door.

"I hope you have a good first day, hun." She said and kissed my cheek lightly. I held her in my embrace for a while before I let her go.

"I hope you have a good day at work, mom." I gave her a smile which she returned before heading out and leaving me alone.

I walked to the kitchen and made myself some breakfast. In all honesty, I wasn't that hungry judging the time of day but I tossed some pop tarts in the toaster either way.

I'll have to admit, I was nervous as hell. The fact that I at least know some people takes away the feeling a bit but there is still a whole lot more to it. What if I got the worst teachers of the school? Or, what if I didn't know anyone for any of my classes? I hope I have a class with Mike. That would be nice.

Before I knew it, the clock struck 7:50 which was my cue to get up from the couch and leave to the bus stop. Another thing I was dreading.

I locked the front door and made my way down the street. A few cars passed by which my guess was that they were just people leaving for work. I plugged in my earphones and casually walked to the bus stop. After turning at the end of the street, I noticed a pair of two younger boys at the stop. Seemed like some freshman. I didn't say anything, and neither did they so I just leaned on the hard rock wall and played around with my phone.

Just after a few minutes, the familiar orange colored bus came into view. I stood up straight as I waited for it to stop and open it's doors. Once I was inside, I looked at the driver and saw him smile at me. I didn't have in me to smile back so I just kind of nodded my head up at him. Now this was the worst part of it all. When I walked down the long aisle, I couldn't help but feel everyone's eyes on me. It was crucial but soon ended when I found an empty seat.

No longer than fifteen minutes passed and I was at school. It was just like I had remembered from the other day, except this time even more kids flooded it's walls.

I got off the bus and slowly started walking towards the entrance of the school. Since I didn't really have any hurry to get to class, I took my time looking at my surrounding. Slowly, small cliques of any regular school were apparent. Of course the ones that stood out more were what seemed popular kids. They were a large group and were honestly dressed too good for school. Some people would say they were the preppies.

I walked particularly to nowhere but I made note of which buildings I would go to. We were given almost 10 minutes to get to class, which I was grateful for since some of the buildings were very far from eachother. I mean, getting from building A to building D will be a hassle.

I was a bit disappointed to see none of my newly found friends, but by the time I entered my first class, my mood was brought up. My first class was math and right in the back row was Mike talking to some other kid. As soon as I entered, he saw me and motioned me to sit on the empty seat beside him.

"Hey, Kells." He said extending his hand out for a High five.

"Hi," I said relieved that he was here in this class.

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