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March, 5 years later
"No one likes a mad woman, you made her like that" Mad Woman, Taylor Swift

    Will and El were now siblings, bonded by their parents, Joyce and Hopper's marriage a few months ago. The pair were on a walk with their little sister, Sara, who was now five. Sara picked every flower she saw and appreciated everything about nature, just like her mother and older sister did.

    Sara was skipping down the tan concrete pavement as her older siblings followed behind her talking about school and their lives. "So, um, you know how my birthday's coming up next week?" Will brings up. El nods in response.

    "Well, I wanted to have the whole party tonight to sleepover. We could get snacks from the movie theatre and rent a movie at home because theatres are expensive and eat too many of those cookie brownies you and Sara made. It'd be really fun, I just wanted to run it by you," Will explains.

    "Oh that sounds fun!" El smiles.
    "Good, but just keep your mouth shut and your mean thoughts in your head for one night, ok?" Will requests. El nods again and goes over to Sara to help her pick some flowers. El felt bad that everytime one of her friends wanted to get together as a whole it had to be a thing, but it wasn't her fault. Most of the time it was just El and Max, but now that Max and Lucas are dating it's harder to stay away. El didn't consider herself petty or a grudge holder, but the thing with Mike was different. He never changed. He only got worse. Snippier and stupider, not thinking twice about anyone but himself. Will didn't see it like his sister did, but El saw it so clearly. It was only one night, plus Max would be there.

"Sara, are you ready to head home, Will and I have to get ready to have our friends over," El says.

"Is Max gonna be there?!" the little blonde smiles. El grins and says yes, earning a yay from Sara who grabbed her elder sister's hand and they skipped on home with Will by their side.

    Sara and El were watching a tv show and eating dino nuggets while Will talked to his mom about the plans for tonight. "Mike's a decent driver, so is Max so we'll be fine," he explains.

    "Ok but I talked to Hopper and he wants El and Max to sleep in El's room," Joyce mentions. Will nods and twiddles his thumbs. This had to be perfect. It all had to go according to plan.

Lucas, Max, Dustin and Will have tried everything over the years to restore the friendship they all once had and nothing ever worked. So tonight, he's having all six of them together and they're gonna all plead and press for a change. It's gonna be fun, and hopefully it won't be a one time thing.

Will and El's friends knocked on the door at around five, barging in before anyone answered, the redhead rushing over to hug her best friend. "Hey hey!!" she smiles.

"Max!" Sara yelps before El says anything. Sara looked up to Max and El so much, admiring everything they did and hanging out with them whenever possible. She jumps into Max's arms and squeezes her. "Hi little Hopper," Max smiles. El giggles, walking over to say hi to Lucas and Dustin.

She hugs them both at the same time, saying she's glad to see them. "Dude we never see you anymore, when are you gonna show up for movie nights on Fridays?" Dustin asks.
"I babysit Sara Fridays, sorry boys."
    "You could bring her?" Dustin suggests, Lucas nudges his side, whispering "not yet", whatever that means. El squints her eyebrows and scoffs when Max grabs her arm. "Come on, let's go to your room for a little," Max says, quickly nodding at the two boys initiating their plan.

The girls walk off to El's bedroom and are laying on her bed on their stomachs doing their nails. "I think Dustin was gonna suggest going to an amusement park tomorrow," Max mentions.

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