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a/n: last official chapter omg. i cant even begin on how much i love this book and all of y'all cuz i'll cry (bc im extremely dramatic as we all know) but im rly happy w how all of this turned out in the end. don't be shocked if i come out with an epilogue at some point!!! ❤️❤️

"Hold on, to spinning around, confetti falls to the ground, may these memories break our fall" Long Live, Taylor Swift.

It was now mid October, fall was arriving and the town was the beautiful orange color that appeared every year.

    Before school started, nobody was sure what the year would bring. Deep down, everyone was scared. Senior year was always insane, and after everything that happened over the last two months it was uncertain what the school year would bring.

    El and Max were now committed to the same community college and they were going to pursue a dream they'd always had. They always wanted to live in Florida and run a beach/skateboard shop as co-partners. The two hadn't shut up about it since they were eleven. And they were going to make it happen.

    The other four had more vague but prestigious goals, wanting to go to higher ranked schools. They'd all applied to similar places, with no results yet. Otherwise, they were all still the best of friends and nothing had changed.

    Joyce and El had been closer than usual, and it was definitely for the best. Even though for most of their relationship El had been resentful, after everything Joyce had done for her the past few months it helped the both of them out. They were even on a mother-daughter basis now.

    They were watching a movie and eating homemade brownies in the living room, and El was filling Joyce in on her school week. "Yeah so I said the computer glitched and deleted all my work and I showed her proof and she wouldn't give me any sort of extension. Max offered to send her an interesting email but I decided that wouldn't go over well," El huffed.

    Joyce laughed, "well I would just be less elaborate than your original work so you can turn it in on time so even if you get a lower grade than expected at least it's not half off for being late." El nodded and thanked her, checking her phone.

    "Oh crap it's 5." she gasped. She stood up and brushed some crumbs off her leggings, hugging her mom quickly and walking to the door. "Send me pictures if you need advice," Joyce suggested.

    "Will do, love you," El walked out. Her and Max were going dress shopping for homecoming next weekend. She opened the car door and got in excitedly. "Are we going to the mall?" El asked.

    "We could probably start there," Max answered. The two were talking about their vague ideas for dresses on the drive there. "Well they should be short since it's not prom, and I think pink or purple would be a good color," El explained.

    Max nodded, "I wanna wear green or blue."
    "Plus we have to make sure our dresses look nicely together so we can take good pictures," the other smiled.

The first thing that was accomplished when they got there was getting Starbucks to give them "shopping stamina". There were two dress shops, and some nicer stores could have options as well. The first stop after coffee was a clothing store, which may or may not have anything there.

Max came out with a new shirt and El bought a necklace but no dresses yet. It took two stores to even find anything at all. Both girls had three dresses in hand to try on.

They were standing facing each other after their first try. "It's too light, you'd look naked from far away," Max commented. El looked down at her light pink dress. "I agree. And I like yours but it looks itchy," she replied.

purple's our color- mileven auWhere stories live. Discover now