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A/N: two updates in less than 24 hours bc im so excited for this chapter and it's my fave so far!!!! :))

"We can all it even, you can call me babe for the weekend" Tis' the Damn Season, Taylor Swift

    El knew her best friend better than she knew herself, and those seven words made her realize something was truly wrong. She quickly pressed on Max's contact, calling the number. Almost immediately the other line picks up.

    "Oh my god El! What the hell!" Max's familiar voice comes through.
    "H-hey it's me," El sighs. Max replies with no shit, and asks her what happened. "Stuff with Will and everything. I-I just needed a break," El quickly explains. Even though they couldn't see each other, they could almost place what body language the other was most likely using.

    "I promise I'll tell you everything soon." El dismisses the question, "what's wrong?" It was eerily silent where El was, no disturbance anywhere in ear shot. On the other line, there was music and clanging, it was loud. "I-um, I went home because there was a lot going on and I didn't want to bother your parents and it's just bad," Max briefly says.

    "Like what Max?" El chewed on her bottom lip.
     Max takes a shaky breath, "He pushed me. And I know it's a normal gesture I guess but it was just bad. I said something stupid and it just happened. But I'm not hurt, it was just scary."

    "Max.." El mumbles, her foot tapping the ground, "sneak out the window and go to my house or Lucas' ok?" El earned a simple yeah from her friend.

    "I really miss you. Everyone does." Max mentions.
    "I know, I do too." Guilt swamped El. She shouldn't have ever left, everything was so so wrong. She wanted to go home, but she wasn't sure how to get there.
    "Love you angel," Max says softly.

    "Love you too." The line clicks off. As she set her phone down beside her on the creaky bed, tears streamed down El's face. This was all her fault, she shouldn't have freaked out and left. How could she let something so terrible happen to her best friend. A soft knock on the door shook El out of her guilt tripped sobs.

    Sniffling, she walked to the door to see no one there. Definitely weird. She took a step out, only to step on a piece of paper. By merely picking it up and seeing the color of the marker used, she knew who wrote the note. "Idiot," she sneers.

    Sorry for acting like a douche, you should probably come back :) -Mike.  As everything else crumbled right in front of her eyes, she mine as well. There was nothing else she really could do without Mike in this shitty situation.

    As soon as her knuckles pressed on the door, it flew open. "Nice note," El snarked, placing it back in the boy's hands and walking past him. "I'm actually sorry this time. I had to say something, it just came to my mind I don't know," Mike covers.

    "You didn't have to say anything," El spins on her heels to face Mike.
    Mike shrugs in reply, "well, I did." The brunette rolls her eyes, feeling that thick tension thing rise in the air once again. The silence was deafening, both of them looking in the same direction but not at each other.

    To Mike, that whole staring was like an open invite to screw up and have her hate him even more. The first thing he could say was what he was gonna do, no way around it. And here they were again, in the same position. "Why?" El questions.

    Mike starts to nervously play with his hands, "cause, I-you, we. Well you know, it was just like quiet and I don't really, uh."

    El's eyes rose from her shoes to Mike's eyes. Why couldn't he just spit whatever he had to say? Unexpectedly a hand grabs hers, firmly but kindly all the same. She knew something was happening and that she couldn't change that now.

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