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"You don't need to save me, but would you run away with me?" Call It What You Want, Taylor Swift

    El woke up around ten the next morning by the noise of crying. It was the week of spring break, so there were no worries in sight school-wise for any of them. She walked around the house to see Sara in her room crying. "Hey monkey what's wrong?!" The brunette ran to sit next to her sister on the bed. She sat her up and grabbed her hands. "My-my arms and legs feel weird!" the smaller sister cries.

    "Like what?" El asks.
    "Like they're tired and hurt!" Sara sniffles. El was completely stunned by what her sister had been saying. Sara looked pale and achy, and her arms had small bruises on them. "Did you fall yesterday?" El questions. Her sister shrugs and crashes her head into El's stomach, wrapping her bruised arms around her. "It's ok Sara, you just slept funny," El reassured her. Even she didn't know if that was true, but worrying Sara would only make it worse. She'd just have to tell Joyce and Hopper, and chances are by the afternoon she'll be better.

    El brought Sara to the kitchen where Will was sitting on the couch, and the siblings made waffles for breakfast. A few hours later, Max woke up and she stomped to where the Hopper siblings were eating. "Did you make waffles?" she groans.

    "Maxie!" Sara smiled, and usually she would jump and hug her but she was extra tired that morning.

    "Yes we did," El grinned as Max walked over to the barstools where everyone else was sitting. Max took a waffle from the stove and started adding syrup onto it. "Did any of you shoot me in the head last night?" Max grumbles.

    "I did," Will laughs.
    Max quickly retorted, "did I ever tell you how much I hate you."
    "I knew that, you don't like anyone except El." Will says and Max nods in reply. She makes a gagging noise immediately as the waffle hits her mouth, "these are nauseating!"

    "So last night was successful," Will comments. Max rolls her eyes and she walks towards the trash can spitting out the waffles and silently walking back to El's room. "What's wrong with her, Ellie?" Sara asks.

    "She's um tired," El responds, chasing after her miserable friend. When El got to the room Max was calling someone. El tilted her head in confusion and Max whispered, "mom."

    "Hey Mom it's Max....i'm at El's....are you home?...oh you went on a trip without telling your only daughter, sweet....well I haven't been home so he couldn't have told me....I don't wanna go home....Mom....ok bye," Max replied to her mom on the other line.
"They're gone until Wednesday," Max throws her phone on the bed. El offered to let her stay here until they got back. "You're an angel," Max climbs back into bed.

    "You know it."


    Max, who was now mostly recovered from her hangover, was hanging out with Sara back at the house while Will and El went out to dinner. They were sitting with their drinks, Will a Coke and El a Dr. Pepper, talking about pretty much everything.

    "So on Friday what happened?" Will brings up.
    El squints her eyes, "Friday...?" Will rolls his eyes at the girl and says at the buses. His sister decides to just tell him about it, and explains what happened. "You got guys to fight over you? I wish I could do that," Will sips his Coke.

    El scoffs, stirring her straw. "It wasn't like that at all, Will." 
    "Take a joke El," Will states. El shrugs in response and Will lets out a small laugh. "What?" the brunette asks.

Will shakes his head, "nothing I just, that's so convenient."
"I cannot believe you all are so obsessed with my love life. You're all psychos!"
Will raises an eyebrow, "so you admit it's your love life?"

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