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"To you everything's funny, you got nothing to regret, I'd give all I have honey, if you could stay like that" Never Grow Up, Taylor Swift

    The light shades didn't make for great protection from the bright morning sun, waking El up at around eight, so early for her. Her eyes fluttered open, head still snug into Mike's shoulder. She rolled over onto her side when she heard buzzing from the bedside table next to her. There were more messages and calls then there'd been collectively in the past day. A text from Will popped up. El, answer. It's about Sara.

    El's eyes went wide, and she shot up swinging her legs over the side of the bed to call Will back. "Will?" she questions.

    "El, god! Where have you been?"
    "Does that even matter, what's up with Sara?" A huff came through from the other line that sent shivers down El's spine. Something was really wrong. "She woke up at about 3am and was screaming and crying," Will pauses, "saying she could barely feel her limbs and she felt dissociated, all these weird things. We're at the hospital now and they're running a bunch of tests."

    El covers her mouth with her hand trying not to let a gasp, or whimper, slip through her lips. "What hospital? I'll be right there!" Will tells her it's the main Hawkins one. "Oh, um I know you're upset with me but I really need you to do me a favor when I get there," El brings up.

    "Like what?"
    "You'll see, just please?" the girl pleads. Will reluctantly agrees and hangs up. El turned over and began to shake Mike awake so he could drive her. "Mike c'mon get up!" she keeps shaking him. He must be a heavy sleeper.

    "Michael Joseph Wheeler!" she angrily yells, slapping his face. Mike wakes up with a groan, his hand grabbing the place El had slapped. "H-how do you know my full name?" Mike groggily quizzes.

    El shrugs, "I actually don't know." The raven haired boy begins to sit up, still holding his face. "What's wrong?" he mumbles.

    "Sara. I need you to drive me to Hawkins hospital," El quickly says. Mike let go of his face, nodding hastily and gesturing for them to grab their stuff. It all happened, in a matter of two minutes they were flying out the door. "Thanks Murray!" Mike calls, running past him.

    "I- don't even wanna ask," Murray takes the key Mike threw at him. El tosses her basically unused key she angrily paid for last night. "Did you use the room?" Murray asks.

    El shrugs, "not really." She smiles and runs off behind Mike. Unlocking the car they both fling into the seats, taking a moment to breathe from their sprint. "We probably didn't have to sprint," El huffs.

    "More fun that way," Mike looks over to her, "plus I know how important Sara is to you." El catches his eyes for just a second, then waves in front of the steering wheel to get going. The car ride is silent, both of them lost in their own train of thought.

    El couldn't stop worrying. She should've told someone about Sara, and she shouldn't have left. Nothing was worth hurting her sister, her favorite thing in the entire world. Sara meant everything to El, she was all that was always guaranteed. Was she not guaranteed anymore? Would she blame El, or something worse happen to her little sister?

    The moment Mike pulled into the parking lot El called Will to ask him to come outside, for his "favor". The wide eyed nervous girl opened the car door at the sight of her brother and ran to him to pull him in a close hug. "I'm so sorry," she whispered into his shoulder.

    "I'm sorry too sis," Will pulled her tighter. As they broke apart El wiped under her eyes to protect from any tears falling. "Now for the favor," El smiled sheepishly, waving to her "friend" to get out of the car.

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