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"Time slows down, whenever your around, but can you feel this magic in the air? It must've been the way you kissed me" Today Was A Fairytale, Taylor Swift

    Friday dinner was back at the Hopper's this week, and despite chaos slowly arising in their household, they decided to host anyway. Max was filling El in on everything that happened that week since El and Will had been spending most of their time with their family and they hadn't been hanging out with the others as much.

    "Yeah so I was like, pfft I never said that. Is Lucas an asshole, yes. Do I only say that in the nicest manner, also yes." Max explains, "and then the others keep saying that I started it! He was just being pissy that day."

    Out of all of Max's stories about Lucas, El's favorites had to be their petty arguments. They would both come up with something new and hilarious every time, and it felt fake even though she was sure it really happened. "Dustin and Lucas are saying this?" El questioned.

    "Uh yes and your boyfriend," Max snarked. El rolled her eyes and laughed softly to herself. "Did you make up yet or should I mention this to him?" El cleared up.

    Max shrugged, "oh we're fine I just wanted to fill you in." The brunette girl laughed and nodded, blatantly happy she missed that. "You still sound kinda mad," El giggled.

    "Yeah so you can get the full experience!" Max exclaimed. Her friend smiled and yawned, rubbing a hand across her face. "You were texting me at four am again last night," Max commented.

    "I slept, though. Only from eleven to three but it's something. I-it's just like every time I get myself together and sleepy I feel this gut feeling that if I sleep I'm gonna wake up and it's gonna have happened," El sighs. Max frowned and looked down to El's bed the two of them were sitting on.

    "I know," Max huffed, "but you have to sleep. You being awake all night isn't changing or helping anything, your parents don't need you getting sick or something right now. What if I sleep over tonight and see if it works better if someone is there."

    Getting a full eight hours of sleep was the least important thing in El's mind lately. She had to be awake, she had to know if something happened. She knew she wouldn't be able to live with herself if she slept peacefully the day it happened. Even with distractions, Max and the others coming over everyday to check up on her and Will, the day trips they'd been taking to feel some sense of fulfillment, the undetermined day was all El could think about. It could be tomorrow, in two weeks, or in a year. How was she gonna live with that uncertainty weighing her down?

    "Yeah sure," El bit her lip, "I don't wanna talk about this anymore. Can we go see if the boys finished their game?" Max nodded and said sure, and they went down to the living room to see if the boys were still playing video games.

    Lucas and Mike were playing this round and they weren't paying attention to anything else. "We should really get more controllers," Dustin complained.

    "Are you always complaining about something?" Max groaned. Dustin flipped her off and the redhead laughed in his face. The two girls hopped off the staircase and walked over to make room for themselves on the couch.

    "Mike!" El went into his view of the tv to bother him.
    "Hi." he said blankly. El moved over and sat on Mike's feet accidentally, and then picked his legs up and moved them over. "What are you doing," Mike laughed. She shrugged and sat on the now open spot on the couch, and kneeled up to play with his hair.

    "Why do you find it entertaining to mess with me when I'm trying to beat Lucas?" Mike asked. El laughed and kissed his cheek, sitting down to talk to Max.

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