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a/n: before i even start i'm rly sorry this took forever and it honestly rly isn't my fav chapter. i'm kind of stuck rn but i needed to post something bc this book is close to being over soo yea

"You kiss on sidewalks, you fight, then you talk" You Are In Love, Taylor Swift

          They had two weeks left of summer to spend. For most of the time the group was at the Hoppers playing board games and drinking Shirley Temples until sunrise. It was kind of like they were stuck in an endless holding pattern. Until the "endless" effect began to wear off.

    El convinced her parents to allow all of her friends to pretty much live at their house. Hopper had lots to say about it, but Joyce let them stay because there was no reason to not.

    It was about eight in the morning, and suddenly every light in the house flickered on, and everyone was woken up. Max and Dustin immediately were complaining, confused about what was going on. "Sorry, but we have a lot to do today," El apologized.

    Everyone looked at her like she was crazy. "What the hell are you talking about?" Lucas questioned. Will, Dustin and Mike agreed with him and Max stared at El completely perplexed. "I have to clean my car-" she began.

    "Your car?" Will corrected her.
    El groaned, "our car. And then Max and I have to go shopping at some point for clothes. It came into my head last night because I didn't really sleep that we should really redo the patio. I've been wanting to add more chairs and some fairy lights for years."

    All of El's friends were in agreement that she'd been on edge the past few weeks, and they tried their very best to entertain her needs. But sometimes, she was wishy-washy and acting like a psycho and they didn't know how to handle her.

    Max stood up and went next to El, squeezing both of her hands harshly, "El, angel, my favorite person on planet earth, please calm down for a second. We're not going and buying patio chairs your parents didn't even approve of. I'd love to shop, but what is this about the car?"

    "Well it's just dirty and it's making me kind of crazy and now's as good a time as ever," El explained. Max inhaled sharply, faking a smile at her best friend. She looked at her, and it was obvious she was tired and was faking a smile as well. "Um, why don't we just watch movies and stuff, everyone's tired and it's rainy," Max suggested.

El glanced over at everyone on the couch and floor and then back to Max, nodding. "Yeah, sorry," she sighed. Max grinned softly, keeping one of El's hands in hers as they sat down on the rug.

Something was off that day between all of them. They were getting slightly sick of each other and nobody was in the best mood. As El noticed it, she felt guilty. She was being selfish and needy, of course they were fed up.

El wasn't sure if she felt sick, or if she was just feeling the tension between them. All day she couldn't even eat anything she felt so awful. It was like she was dizzy, and her head felt twice the real size. When Max finally convinced her to eat a bagel, she threw it up almost immediately.

There were knocks from the bathroom door, and El ignored them. Even without a response, Max came bursting through the door, kneeling down to pull her friend's hair back. "Sorry, I shouldn't have forced you," she cooed.

El sniffed and lifted her head up, smiling smally. "Oh, it's okay," She hit flush and got a paper towel to wipe her face. "Do you want water?" Max offered. El said I guess, and so Max began to stand up.

"Mike Wheeler! Come sit with your girlfriend while I get water, now!" Max called. There were footsteps down the hall, and Max's presence faded away. "You're so bossy," Mike whined.

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