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A/N: one of my fav chapters, have fuuun!

"And I scream, for whatever it's worth, I love you ain't that the worst thing you ever heard?" Cruel Summer, Taylor Swift

    El and Max were woken up by two singers with very uncoordinated voices. Groggily they sat up to face Holly and Sara. "Happy birthday Ellie!" Sara jumped on her big sister and hugged her tightly.

    "Holly, why are you here?" El asked.
    "Your mom asked my mom to help make the cake with Sara, I've been here for only a few minutes," Holly explained. The brunette smiled formally and nodded. "Well it's before noon so why are you two in here?" Max groaned.

    "We can't waste Ellie's birthday!" Sara giggled.
    "Yea!" Holly smiled, "El I got you a present." Holly glanced at Sara and gave her a side smile. Sara let her shoulders rise and fall excitedly. "Oh! Thanks, Holls," El knelt down to hug her.

    "Can I talk to Holly?" Max interrupted. El asked why and Max took Holly's hand and they went out of the room. It wasn't not normal for separate conversations to arise between them but usually it wasn't so secretive and it was between El and Max, and Holly and Sara.

    "How does a nine year old get someone presents individually?" Max asked.
    "Nobody said I picked it out and paid. I'm just here to give the gift. Don't worry I have it worked out," Holly beamed.

    Max scoffed, "No no no. You're nine, whatever you have planned is not what's supposed to happen today. Don't give her the gift, please."

    "Why shouldn't Holly give me my present?" El questioned, holding Sara as they walked out. Max rolled her eyes and claimed if they took any longer breakfast would be cold. "Don't even try and say we don't know if breakfast is made or not, breakfast is always ready on your birthday," the redhead warned.

    They all walked downstairs and ate breakfast together, it felt normal and not really like it was El's birthday like it always felt when you got caught up in time with your family and friends.

    It was about three when they all started to get bored. Will was hanging out with them now but no one was coming over until four. Will and El were in the kitchen making a snack when Will noticed El wasn't really in her normal bright birthday mood.

    "Is something wrong?" he asked her. El made a confused face and shook her head. "No, why?"

    "You've been acting weird today. I was just asking," Will mentioned. El rolled her eyes and assured her brother that nothing was wrong, obviously. El wasn't necessarily upset, but confused. Max had given her the assumption that somehow Mike was gonna apologize to her that day but it was becoming more obvious that this was merely a guess.

    "You're acting like a brat," Will said, which he meant as a half joke, "are you afraid of growing up or something? Age-phobic?" The girl let out an irritated sigh and got up from the wooden barstool she was sitting on. She started walking towards Max, laying on the couch. "If I don't wanna talk about it, leave me alone! It is my birthday!" El exclaimed.

    Max looked up from her phone and at the two fighting. "What's wrong?" she asked. El shook her head, " nothing." Will groaned dramatically and sat down on the couch distanced from the girls. "Max apparently they need our help wrapping the present," Will proclaimed a few minutes later.

    "How do you even wrap- ugh. El, is it ok if we go over to help the boys for like 30 minutes. I think they're trying to be crafty and evidently it doesn't work," Max explained.

    "Sure I don't care," El shrugged. Max nodded and Will sat up, both of them going to help the boys wrap her present. She was slightly curious at what her gift was being that they were never a big deal and were often something found at a random store in the mall that made absolutely no sense. Had they tried to change that this year?

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