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"I have emotional motion sickness, somebody roll the windows down, there aren't no words in the english language, I could scream to drown you out" Motion Sickness, Phoebe Bridgers

    All of the party had been hanging out at the Hopper's house all afternoon, and they were playing Just Dance. El and Dustin were up, and they were both extremely competitive about the game, especially since this round was the tie-breaker. "Dustin, your hand doesn't go like that!" El warns.
    "Why would you tell me?" Dustin asked.
    "Because I'm a good friend."
    "And because you're trying to throw me off?"
    "Well now you're distracted, ha!"

    Dustin groaned loudly as El's little bar went up and up and his bar stayed still. "I hope your legs give out!" he whines. El laughed and kept dancing, trying to keep up now that she was in the lead. Dustin was working equally as hard, maybe even more, and it was pretty fun. Max, Lucas, Mike and Will were laughing at Dustin's frustrated movements and teasing him.

    "Why does everyone like you better than me!" Dustin complained breathlessly. The girl beside him sneered and shrugged quickly, trying not to get thrown off track. "Will and Lucas should be cheering for you. They are your teammates," El commented.

    Will laughed loudly, "I'm sorry Dustin you just look funny right now."
    "I think it's unfair that El got to pick her teammates today. I get the mean ones," Dustin frowned.

    "No, I'd definitely be mean to you if we were on the same team," Max interfered. Mike agreed and El laughed as the song began to end. As the congratulations screen popped up, the user El was playing on came up. El cheered loudly as Dustin's shoulder fell in disappointment, and Max came shooting up and grabbing El's hands and they jumped happily.

    "You're being so extra!" Will called.
    "On purpose," Max grinned. The two girls walked back to the couch and sat down next to each other. El turned around to face Mike, "you see it's a good thing I won the rock paper scissors to play Dustin cause you would've lost," El said.

    "I'm still surprised I beat Will," Mike commented.
    El rolled her eyes, "honestly me too." She pulled her legs up on the couch in a criss cross and scooched into Mike's side, her right knee falling onto his leg. "Now that I so significantly beat you, what should we do?" El asked.

    "I want a rematch! Make Mike verse me!" Dustin pouted.
    "No way!" Mike laughed. Dustin threw his arms up in the air in anger and didn't say another word.

    "To end this once and for all, who wants coffee!" El exclaims.
    Max shot up, "Ooo me! I'll make it with you." The pair got up and went into the kitchen and got the things they needed out of the fridge.

    "I like things lately. It hasn't been this smooth in forever," Max grins. El blushed down at the floor and agreed. "Oh hey is Holly here? We can always get the girls down and play a game with them," Max suggests.

    "She isn't." El sighed.
    "Are they not friends anymore?"
    "They're friends. Sara's just been tired and cranky and not in the best place for that. I'd feel bad if she made Holly upset or something so I haven't invited her." El explains.

    "Well I'm sure she'll be crazy and wild soon enough." Max comforted her. El huffed and nodded, looking up at Max with a hopeful smile. "They're going to the doctor at 2, we're expecting good news with the new meds." She bites her lip. Max smiles and nods happily. 

    The doctor's visit was unexpectedly quick. Hopper, Joyce and Sara were home at four, where usually they wouldn't be until closer to five. They insisted when they came in the door that Sara would rest for the remainder of the day and El and Will didn't expect anything of it except that she had some tests to be done that took it out of her.

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