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"You look like a movie, you sound like a song, my god this reminds me of when we were young" When We Were Young, Adele

    El held her crying sister in her arms as the yelling continued. New marriages were supposed to be cleansing, happy, fulfilling. Joyce and Hopper were not that. Joyce wanted to move the family to California, but Hopper desperately wanted to stay in Hawkins. Besides the fact the two always bickered, this was different. They couldn't come to a good conclusion no matter how many times they said the same things.

    "Shh it's ok, it's just yelling," El cooed in her sister's ear. Sara was choking on sobs and whining, like all little kids do. El felt bad for her little sister, who never knew her own mother, who had to grow up so differently and now deal with this. She would have cried too, El could cry whenever. She was sensitive and emotional ever since her mother's death, the smallest things making her cry and cry. But El had to be strong for Sara. This wasn't going to be forever.

    Will barged into El's room where his little sister's were cuddling in El's bed. "I found a place for us to crash, for Sara to calm down," Will said. El nodded and grabbed Sara's hand, whispering to her they were gonna go somewhere else and Sara crawled onto El's waist not wanting to walk. She carried her little sister out where things were now quiet. Sara wailed more as she saw her father with a beer in hand reading through papers at the kitchen table.

    "Hey Sara shh," El rocked her sister.
    "We're gonna go stay at the Wheelers'," Will says.

    "We're what?" El's eyebrows raise.
    "Nancy answered his phone, he's at a party but they said we could come," Will explains. El nodded and whispered to Sara they were staying at a friends'.

    "Apparently it's just Nancy and her little sister though, if that's ok Hop," Will says. No parents' home was weird, Ted almost never went anywhere.

    "Isn't Nancy at college?" Hopper asks. Will explained that she was home for the week, and then the three siblings were off. It was almost eight at night, and Sara should have gone to bed pretty soon. It was dark out and the siblings had no bags or anything, the only was phones and Sara's favorite doll she called Belle, after her favorite princess.

    They got to the Wheelers' in a few minutes because they lived pretty close. The family was pretty wealthy so they had three cars, Ted and Karen's, Nancy's and Mike's. Only Nancy's silver tiny car was pulled into the driveway.

    Sara was still attached to El at the hip, and Will opened the door for the two girls, to where Nancy was sitting on the couch. El hadn't seen Nancy since she was 14, at some family barbeque at the Wheeler's El was forced by her friends to go to. Nancy used to babysit El for some money when El was a kid, and now Nancy wasn't some 17 year old girl. She was like a full blown adult, it was weird.

    "Hey guys," Nancy smiled warmly.
    "Ellie, who's she?" Sara laid her head back on her older sister's shoulder, softly asking. El said her name and that she invited them for the night and Sara nodded and drifted off to sleep calmly.

    "Thank you for letting us stay. It's ok at our house but Sara just gets scared," El thanked Nancy. Nancy said of course and Holly came running out to see what the commotion was.

    "Hey Holls," Nancy called as she walked out into the living room. Holly smiled and her older sister filled her in. El walked over to the couch to lay her sister down. There was a pillow at the arm of the couch El laid her sisters head at, covering her with a blanket that was folded on an ottomon. She admired her tiny sister as she slept peacefully, kissing her forehead and pushing her hair back softly.

    Nancy said she had studying to do and so she went to her room and Holly followed her. It was awkward but there was no reason for them to stay and entertain Will and El when they were offering their home for the night. The two sat on their phones or had small conversations for the next little while, till a call came through on Will's phone a bit before midnight.

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