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"God I wish that you had thought this through before I went and fell in love with you" Traitor, Olivia Rodrigo

Something changed within all six of the party members after they got home. So much had happened, and Dustin, Lucas, Will and Max were afraid that soon, they'd lose what they finally had after all this time. That once the truth was out, it'd be the same stupid fued it always had been.

El knew there was something that her friends weren't leading on. Something was wrong, but she wasn't sure if it was her place to wonder. As she felt the uneasy tug pull her farther apart from everyone she loved, she pretended nothing was wrong. What could be so wrong anyways?

It was the day of Sara's third chemo round, it was cold and dark out when El woke up. Sara was laying on the couch with a big pink blanket still in her pajamas. "Morning monkey," El kissed Sara's temple and sat next to her. The small blonde made a grouchy face and didn't respond. Her sister laughed a little before getting up to make eggos before they had to go.

It was almost noon, and all the Hopper's had been up for about seven hours now. El was texting back and forth with Max while Sara and Hopper played go fish to keep her busy.

max🤍: what room ru you guys in?
els💗: 214, y?
max🤍: none of ur business, ty
els💗: 🙄

    It was a few seconds of confusion before colliding, loud voices ran into the room with obnoxious balloons and smiles on their faces. Everyone had come, and Holly too. She was holding a purple balloon that was connected to a card and a Kit Kat bar.

"Holly!!!" Sara screamed, reaching her arms as far as possible for her to come and hug her, because she wasn't able to stand up due to her IV. The older little blonde smiled and ran to her little friend, hugging her softly. "I know you like Kit Kat's and I wrote you a note," Holly explains. Sara giggles and nods.

"Ellie, can you read it to me?" Sara calls. Her sister nods and comes over, moving Sara over a few inches and sitting down next to her, wrapping an arm around her back. "Dear Sara, I know you're going to be better soon. I'm happy you can still play dolls with me and do cartwheels with me and I love you more than strawberries. Love love love, your sister ;),  Holls." El reads the note out loud. Sara belly laughs and rips the card out of El's hands, trying to read it over.

El tickles her little sister's stomach and she laughs more. "Thank you!" Sara grins formally. The brunette got up and hugged Max tightly. "I'm guessing you planned this?" she smiles

"Of course," Max laughs. It was a nice day, all of them hanging out and bothering the nurses until they finally had them go home, in which they all ordered pizza and watched a movie.


    "Max, I'm serious!" El laughs.
    The redhead gulped, "how do you know?" El looked down at her hands in her lap and smiled bashfully to herself. "It was just like screaming at me one night, the last night in Florida,  and I couldn't deny it anymore. But I think it's good. Maybe finally things'll settle down," she admits, "I really hope so."

    A pit opened up in Max's stomach. She felt sick. El loved Mike, and he ruined it, which she didn't even know. Max just couldn't let it go on anymore. Her friend deserved better. She deserved the truth.

    "I-I have to go downstairs quick, be right back!" Max said quickly, jumping off El's bed and running downstairs. She was breathing in and out loudly as she finally stopped in front of the three boys on the couch. "Where's Mike?" she sighs.

    "Don't know, bathroom or something," Dustin was chewing on something.
    Max rolls her eyes, "El has to know. Like now."  Dustin shrugged and Will's eyes went wide.

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