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a/n: i hate this chapter sm, it's messy and long and doesn't make any sense. it's a rly lazy ending and i had to finish on my phone bc i've been busy and need to get it out there to get a move on. there was A LOT to pack in for next chapter, so good luck and sorry sorry sorry.

"I can't decide if it's a choice, getting swept away, I hear the sound of my own voice, asking you to stay" Treacherous, Taylor Swift

    Mike and El walked back to the other silently and El barely said anything the rest of the day. She was stuck with her thoughts, thinking about everything that was crashing down and coming in between everything she'd imagine things would be like.

    The party decided they wanted to go out to a restaurant about a block down that looked nice, so they went back to the hotel to put their stuff down and then go. "Can Max and I have a minute? I-I have to wash my face," El lies. Max knew she was lying because she washed her face earlier, and she'd been acting weird.

    The girls walked to their room and went in, El slammed the door behind her and flopped on the bed. "Hey, what's wrong?" Max sat next to her. El had assumed she was being overdramatic, overthinking everything but it just felt off. Finally, she was ready and now Mike wasn't. "I-it's nothing," El guarded, her voice breaking.

    Max wrapped her arms around her friend, and the smaller girl finally broke, sobbing in Max's arms. "Why doesn't he love me anymore!" she sobs. Max glanced down at her friend, pulling her closer in comfort. "Shh, don't say that. It's ok, it'll be alright," she spoke softly.

    "He doesn't, I know it. He feels so distant, I don't know what I did wrong," El picked up her head, looking Max in the eyes. It hurt to see her friend like this, so upset over a stupid boy. This wasn't shocking for Mike, but El didn't know that. She trusted in his words so deeply, not even realizing how much she liked him right from the start.

"You didn't do anything, don't worry about him angel," Max rubbed her shoulder. Lucas and Will burst through the door."Mike and Dustin are putting our name- is everything alright?" Will stops himself after seeing his tearful sister.

El nodded weakly, "everything's fine." Her brother walks over to the bed the girls were sitting on. "You're sure?" Will asks. El nods again. Things weren't alright, and she couldn't pretend any longer that this whole thing was no skin off her back and didn't bother her. But she couldn't break yet, maybe she's in her head.

    "Do you need me to talk to- '' Will begins to offer.
El jumps right in, "no, don't." She stands up and signals for them all to get going. The three others follow closely behind her and they have a small, meaningless conversation on the way to the restaurant Dustin and Mike were waiting at.

El wipes under eyes quickly, getting her phone out to make sure her previous state wasn't desperately obvious. It wasn't, and they met up with the other two boys, eating dinner and wasting the night with gross amounts of ice cream from the parlor across the street and staying up late to swim in the resort's pool.

    Dustin and Mike got word from some preppy blonde they met at the restaurant that there was a party the day after the next, and they all decided why not go for a little while. The day before the party, they went to a huge waterpark, spending the entire day riding every ride in the place and some more than once.

    On their third day it was a little after dinner time, the sun setting with mixed colors all throughout the sky as Max and El got ready. "Guess that dress was a good idea," Max mentions. El nods and smiles, applying lip gloss. She was wearing the blue dress she packed, Max hadn't brought anything fancy so she wore a cropped high neck white tank top and black jean shorts. "Hey, you can do whatever you want since you don't have to go home," Max tries to start some conversation with her  friend in a bad mood.

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