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"Only twenty minutes to sleep, but you dream of some epiphany, just one single glimpse of relief to make some sense of what you've seen" Epiphany, Taylor Swift

tw: blood/puke

           The four walked into the Hopper house at around nine, and El cleared up that Holly was sleeping over. "Mike we can hangout for a little bit, but we'd both be dead if you stayed soo," El suggested. Mike shrugged and agreed as Sara and Holly ran off.

          Mike and El walked quietly upstairs and went into El's room. "I'm really tired, but do you wanna watch Gilmore Girls or something?" El asked. Mike nodded and they sat down on her bed as El flipped through Netflix.

          Mike's arm went behind El's back and the other rubbing circles in her arm. Her head was on his shoulder and her arms sprawled out messily across his chest. "When I fall asleep," El yawned, "wake me up to walk you out, k?"

          Mike hummed ok and kissed El's head softly. The room was still and it was dark out by now, the quietness making the beating of Mike's heart lulling in El's ear. "Mike," she whispered, trying to keep herself awake. He replied, "hm." tiredly and El didn't answer at first. "What do you wanna talk about?" she questioned. after a pause.

         "Shh, just go to sleep. I'll tuck you in and leave, okay?" Mike hushed. El nodded her head against his chest and leaned up her chin a little to kiss him goodnight. "I like you as a pillow," she grinned, moving her head back.

          El fell asleep quickly, and unexpectedly, so did Mike. He absentmindedly drifted off, not thinking about the next morning or really where he was. The sunlight woke Mike up, and he then realized what had happened. He planted soft kisses all over El's face in an attempt to wake her up. "El," he whispered, "I dreamt about you." She was slowly stirring awake, turning around to face him and she blinked at him softly, then tucking her head into his shoulder with a tired groan.

           "We were at the carnival. There was a monster. I don't know how but you killed it, you stared at it and it disappeared. You fainted and you were all bloody but I helped you out, and you were okay. And the best part, I got to kiss your silly face," he explained, planting a kiss on her nose.

            El hummed and moved around, opening her eyes abruptly. "You're still here!" she gasped, sitting up. Mike sat up and more clearly registered everything. "Oh." he said.

             "Oh god! We're both dead. You were supposed to leave! I didn't mean for this but I assure you my dad won't think so! Maybe you can jump out the window!" El's voice starts to rise.

             Mike took her hand and sighed, "El calm down for a second."
             El scoffed, "well easy for you to say! Waking up not in your own bed is your hobby!" Mike rolled his eyes and laughed. "Hey, that was pre-you!" Then he suggested they ask if Will can cover for them, saying Mike slept over to hangout with him.

           "He's eventually not gonna cover for us, we always use him," El mentioned. Mike shrugged and said it was probably fine. The girl sighed and pushed the cover off of her, getting up on the cold wooden floor to beg her brother for help. "Stay in here while I work this out," El huffed.

          El hadn't realized how early it was, only eight. For both Will and El this was way too early, so she worried he wouldn't be awake yet. She cracked open his door quietly and walked over to his bed. Luckily, he was up sitting on his phone. "Oh what did you do now," Will rolled his eyes.

         "What makes you think that!?" El asked. Will comments that "look on her face". "I didn't technically do anything, it was an accident!" the brunette exclaims.

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