The Angel

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               Ezra pov

"You are hired"

Did he really say that? Or was I hallucinating.
What was the catch this time? He can't agree so easily.

"When do I begin?"

I ask trying to sound confident and he smirks.
You see that smile, it's never followed by anything good.

Turning his back on me and proceeding towards his seat,he settles down, opening some folder.


Now? As in Damn..this man was full of so many surprises.
I was not ready right now....his words...I still needed a minute alone to gather myself.
I may sound all brave and badass but inside ,the new information was killing me.
Did Mrs Reed really spent so much money on me?

"Now if you are done wasting the first minute of your work daydreaming. Why don't you do something productive?"

He asks and I nod.

Focus Ezra! Focus! We will prove it to him that your education was not a wastage.
After all you were there for 5 years and you topped once as well.

My thoughts are again interrupted by the sound of a folder being thrown on a table.

Gulping I look up to see him glaring at me.

"You have a really short attention span. Don't you?"

Stop thinking! Stop thinking! I remain silent and thankfully his phone rings, breaking the ice.

Seeing the number,he furrowed his eyebrows and ended it. Turning his attention back on me.


His voice trails as he takes a sip of his coffee and nearly spits it out.
Cursing under his breath.

"Damn it! They can't do one thing right!"

Showing me the cup,he urged me to take it and I move forward taking it reluctantly.

"First get a new coffee for me. This one tastes sh**"

I nod and proceed to leave outside. He doesn't has to tell me his choice.
I know it already.

Light coffee with extra milk plus half tablespoon sugar.

His favourite.

I see people staring at me while I worked on his coffee and I just ignore them.
Done in a matter of few minutes,I knock and enter inside.

He was busy on a call and didn't bothered to look at me.

"No the price is fine but it's the grade we are concerned about. I don't care about few bucks more or less but the should be the best."

He continues talking on the phone and I move forward to place the cup on the table,when he surprises me by taking it from my hands.

Our fingers touch and I feel anxious but he didn't even notice our contact.Busy with his call.

"Yes .. that's my see-"

But then he takes the first sip of the coffee and I see him go silent for a second, his words lost as his eyes lock with mine.

He remembers it.

My coffee used to be his favourite along with my Lasagna of course.

He never said it directly but he always used to tell Mom to ask me to make it specifically.
It was just coffee though, nothing special.

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