Her Family?

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" Those who aren't afraid to get their hands dirty in mud.

And learn to live in the very  darkness of coal. That could kill them one day.

Are the one's who actually find diamonds"

       - suzangill


A Silence stretches in the hallroom of the Reed estate. As everyone sits around.

Sipping their tea.

Feeling intimidated by the person sitting with them, who hasn't said a words since he has come. With one leg over the other. Posture relaxed and eyes assessing.

He was looking around as if searching for something.

" Mr Richardson. You should have told me. I would have come to meet you."

Silence. He doesn't answer. Yet again. Sipping from the cup in his hands.

"You must be here because of that latest deal.I apologise on my son's absence. I-"

Albert silences him by showing him his hand. Looking up at Mr Reed finally.

" It's not about business."

That's all he said. Suddenly getting up from his seat.Looking at the wall which had their family pictures. Approaching it.

His eyes scanning them till they finally settles at one.

It was a picture of her being barely 10 years old. Sitting beside two boys. With one standing behind her.

The Reed boys.Perhaps.

A wide smile on her lips showing her two broken front teeth. And he couldn't help smile seeing her engaging one.

Picking up the photo frame ,he traces his fingers on her face.

Feeling something rising in his chest. To only realize it to be what they call.


Really long, nostalgic and heartbreaking longing of a father for his daughter. Who has since last 25 years lived a life full of regret of not being able to save his daughter.

Trying not get carried away in emotions.He speaks up. Asking.

" You have a beautiful family Mrs Reed. I must say you are blessed."

Mrs Reed wanted to laugh at this. The word being 'was'. Hers was a happy family until recently when everything got shattered.

" Tha-nk you Mr Richardson"

Was all she answers. And Albert nods. Placing back the photo frame to approach and sit back on his seat.

His posture straight. Telling he was ready for it.

" If you don't mind me asking is that girl in the picture your daughter?"

Mrs Reed was surprised. Why would he be asking about Ezra? The dots were not joining.

" Yes. She is way more than my daughter Mr Richardson."

" She is my Ezra."

She speaks. Looking back into his eyes and he folds his hands, placing them on his thighs. To lean back on the seat and raise his brow to ask next.

" Biologically?"

And that's when her throat runs dry. She looks at Mr Reed. Who was as confused at her.

" We are sorry. We don't understand.What are you trying to ask Mr Richardson?

Mr Reed asks interrupting but Albert's eyes remain fixed at Mrs Reed.

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