In her Shadows

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" It didn't happen at first sight.

It didn't happen overnight.

It took years to fall so deeply in love with you.

And I am sure it will take years more .

To fall out of it and find my original self that got lost somewhere in finding you."

- Ezra


" Damn Aaron! Are you crazy?"

Andriana exclaims. Looking at him all bloody. With cuts and bruises on his face. Standing outside her door.

He doesn't bother to reply. Moving past her inside. To lay on her bed.


" Chill babe. It's fine."

Her anxious eyes look at him from top to bottom. He is fuc*ed in every sense a man could be.

And she felt guilt hit her. She is the reason behind this. She made him this by changing his medicine.

She had become selfish.

Opening the drawer. She takes out his tablets. Placing it on her palms.Filling a glass of water. She approaches him.

" Here. Get up and take these"

He lifts his arm. Which was placed on his eyes. To look at her. Ignoring her.

" I don't need them. Just let me sleep"

" No Aaron! This is not done!"

He doesn't reply. Turning around to place his cheek on the pillow. Closing his eyes.

" Aaron!"

No reply.

" Aaron! I am talking to you!"

Her screams make no effect on him and she just sighs. Placing down the medicine to pick up the first aid box. Applying medicine on a cotton dub. She sits beside him.

Moving aside his long hair from his face. To apply medicine on his cuts.

He doesn't flinch. As the medicine stings. With eyes closed one would think he was asleep. When he wasn't.

" You refuse to let me cure you like old times. We haven't slept together even once since last 7 months since you came to me."

" And instead. You have found this underground fighting thing as your vent out."

" This isn't done Aaron."

" Why are you doing this?"

He opens his eyes. Looking up at her. As she continues to clean his blood.

" You wanted to marry me. And I promised it to you."

" What happened now? Are you also giving up on the broken man that I have become?"

He scoffs and her eyes soften. As she moves her head in a no. Caressing his cheek with her fingers.

" Never Aaron. I would never give up on you. It's just that...I...I want the old Aaron back. The one before that girl came."

" I miss your old self."

And he smiles. Moving aside her hand. To sit up. Taking the anticeptic from her hands to apply on his wounds directly without even diluting.

And she flinches. Her eyes teary.

" The old Aaron died long ago Andriana. And the one in front of you? Is the only thing remaining of me."

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