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                Aaron's pov

We have fuc*ed many times till now . It was our everyday routine back in Seattle.

But today, seeing her laying on my bed, in my room. Naked and eager. Made me reluctant.

It's just Sex

What's there to be reluctant about? But the answer was quite simple.

It's her eyes.

Those brown innocent orbs of that girl I see instead of Andriana's beautiful blue ones,laying under me. Staring at me.

Those lustrous lips that stutter when I am around her.

Asking me what was I doing? Why did I kiss her that night , drunk when I loved Andriana.


This felt wrong, sinful almost.But why? That girl meant nothing to me, that night just being a mistake.

"Aaron what happened? Are you stressed about something?"

Andriana's words brought me out of my thoughts. As I blankly stare at her.

Her fingers, tracing down my naked chest seductively. As she bites her lip, eager for us to continue.

But I don't.

Clenching my fists beside her head on the mattress. As I was hovering on top of her, her body submitting under me.


She calls me again. And I lift myself up from her, running my hand through my hair.

Damn it

Not caring to wear my shirt, I see my cell ringing and I excuse myself from her. Walking down the stairs towards the kitchen.

"Good afternoon Mr Anderson."

I say, sighing. While looking around at the empty mansion.

"What kind of professionalism is this Mr Reed. We were scheduled to meet today. And now your secretary says you won't be coming ?"

Damn! Not this now! It's all because I decided to pick her up to only end up here.

I never took my work so lightly.

It was always my first preference. How can I do a mistake like this?

"I am so sorry Mr Anderson.Something important came up , I sincerely apologise."

"I will re schedule the meeting for tomorrow. If that's fine by you."

"It's fine. Please don't do something like this again. Or our relations will be severed."

Reaching the kitchen. I pour myself a glass of water. Quenching my dry throat, to only stare blankly at the marble slab.

Oblivious of what Mr Anderson was saying, I am sure he was complaining only.

My thoughts lost somewhere else.

I can't let this happen again. I can't let that Orphan girl control my thoughts like that.

I won't let her.

"Are you listening Mr Reed?"

"Ah yes. Yes Mr Anderson. Of course. No I sincerely apologise again."

I look up to only find Andriana follow me, in her hot pink bikini set. A see through lingerie barely covering her ,as she walks towards me to only stand behind me.

"Why did you left Aaron. Let's continue."

I close my eyes. Not replying to her. My back still on her as my other hand grips the marble slab tightly.

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