The deception

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She hates parties with passion.

Looking around at the crowd going crazy without a damn reason ,she looks at Nathan. To only find his eyes already fixed at her.

He says something but she couldn't hear him in the loud bass and music.

To only give him a fake smiles as he smirks, leaning in closer to make his breath hit her cheeks, and she stills.

"You look beautiful"

Her cheeks burn red as she lowers her gaze. Biting on her lip.

While his eyes move on them , to take notice of her action.

Damn! The girls a seductress without even knowing about it

It was difficult for him to digest that someone as innocent as her exists.

But her eyes, they don't lie.

The girl was too innocent for being his type but for a change he liked the challenge.

He was craving for some sweetness and innocence, which were dripping from this brown eyed girl.

"Thank you"

Her luscious lips move, making his mind to go all dirty , thinking what all he can make them do.

How she will moan under him few minutes later and beg him for more.

Looking around the crowd he sighs seeing that pest of a guy still standing there, keeping an eye on them.

Till he remains, he was sure he can't proceed with the plan.

Leaning in closer to Ezra, he whispers lowly. Taking in her heavenly scent.

"Your friend seems too much protective of you. He can leave if he wants to."

"I will drop you home myself."

She looks up at him, to just stare for few seconds. To finally nod.

Taking out her phone and typing something on it.

Ben and Ezra make an eye contact and she nods at him, telling him that she will be fine.

While Ben nods, turning around to leave. But not before texting her to call if there is an emergency.

All the while Nathan leans on the bar table taking advantage of her being distracted, leaning lower he whisper something in the waiters ear,while  sliding towards him a 100 dollar bill under his palms.

The waiter gives him a thumbs up and Nathan turns around to see the boy finally gone.

"Wanna dance?"

He asks offerings her his palm and she takes it, going towards the dance floor.

She felt next level awkward. She doesn't knows how to dance. And the way he moved it seemed, he was a pro in it.

"Relax beautiful. You are too stiff."

He whispers in her ear to make her nod. He could feel her hands sweating in his.

Seeing it to be too crowded around, he pulls her closer to his chest. Placing his hands on her waist to see her body turning more stiff than before.

She couldn't look up.

A weird feeling in her stomach erupting, making her legs feel weak.

"I don't know you much Ezra  But I know enough to tell that this is not your usual self."

She gulps looking up , to reply truthfully.

"I .. It's just that I have never been on a date before."

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