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             Ezra's pov

I wake up to the sound of something dripping to fall on the ground every few seconds. My head feeling light and my body protesting to move.

Furrowing my brows I blink my eyes ,trying to adjust to the darkness around.

To only hear my own heart thud instead when I looked around.

The place was scary as hell. It looked like a basement of an old house. Which has been uninhabited since years.

The windows were broken. Dirt everywhere around. Water leaking from old rusted pipes.

And I gulp.

Why am I here? Why is it so silent here?

And that's when I remember being taken. Someone pressing a cloth on my mouth. shit! I was kidnapped.

Anxiety hits me. And I try to  move to only find my legs immobile .

Sh*t! This is bad.

I look down to see my legs were tied together with a rope. My arms locked behind my back in a dead grip.

And when I try to scream for help.

I find a damp cloth muffling my sound.

No...not this please.

I plead in my mind. Feeling a tear drop fall down my eyes. As I start thrashing in the bounds.

The rope pierces my skin. Rubbing against it. Leaving red marks. But I didn't care. I need to escape to safety.

These people are dangerous.

Who knows what they even want from me.

My struggles continued for I don't know how long till I felt tired. Leaning against the wall to stare outside.

I could see the sun set outside. Hours have passed.

But no one was here to check on me.

I try to scream. To call this person to give me something.

" Ummphhh"

To only lean back tired. It was no use. When I can't hear my own voice, how will they listen to me?

I was feeling thirsty. My throat was burning.

My arms were aching tied behind my back. My shoulder protesting.

I thrash again. But no use.

The person had left no loopholes

It was impossible.

I can't escape from here.

Staring down at my sweaty body with my clothes sticking on me. I just sit in silence. Feeling too exhausted. My eyes dropping.

Why...why will anyone do this?

What do they want from me.

Does anyone even know I was kidnapped?

Or they all were too busy celebrating the wedding.

Did the wedding happen?

I smile to myself. Moving my head in a no. Chuckling at my own thoughts.

Of course it must have happened.

He wouldn't cancel his marriage because of me.

I can bet that they all must be enjoying the party.

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