Searching hearts

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                 Ezra's pov

I can hear my heart thumping in my chest. As I go oblivious to everything.

A warm sensation alerting each and every nerve in my body as my legs suddenly turn weak.

His lips exploring each and every corner. Claiming them as his and I could do nothing.

Not even knowing how to kiss him back.

He suddenly pulls back breathing heavily. To only whisper slowly to himself.

"So fuc*ing naive , aren't you a temptress?"


And next I know. He attacks my neck next. Leaving small featherly kisses down my collarbone.

"Ahhh A-Aron..."

I couldn't stop myself. The world's slip on their own and he kisses more passionately. Attacking my shoulders.

"Yes. Say my name kitten. Say it again."

He urges me. And I bite my lip. Trying to stop myself. He knew, I was controlling myself. Yet he wanted to challenge me.

He continues to pin my wrists a bove my head with one hand ,to trail lower his another.

My chest heaves heavily, as I feel his taunting fingers slide down my back to rest on my hips.


I warm but it was too late. Easily lifting my one thigh to wrap it around his torso. He effortlessly picks me up from the ground. Adjusting me on his frame.

"What are you-"

"Shh kitten."

He warns me, moving up again to kiss the corner of my lip. Playing with me.

" Just my name. Nothing else"

He orders, looking into my eyes and it felt like I was hypnotized. I look between his eyes opening and closing my mouth. To stutter. Unable to control myself.


A smirk makes it's way on his lips.

"Now that's like a good girl"

And with this he steps back from the wall, that was supporting my back. A gasp leaving my lips when I found myself loosing my balance.

I automatically cross my legs around his torso and my arms lock behind his neck to stop myself from falling.

He doesn't let me though.

His other hand already behind my back to pull me more closer to him if possible.

And I found myself in his arms, straddling him.

He doesn't stop there, continuing to kiss my neck while kicking the door open to the bathroom. Taking me to his room.

I was too lost to realise what was happening.

His kisses playing with my senses. I felt a soft mattress under my back and that's when I realised, I was on his bed.

No..I was not ready...I have to stop him.


I say. Placing my palms on his face. Trying to stop him.


He barely says. His passionate kisses making me cross my thighs and arch my back.

"We...we can't Aaron. am not ready."

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