The proclaimation

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Declan tightly clenched the phone in his hand,as he states at his soon to be bride's picture.

Not just any picture

But that of her kissing him, Aaron. The eldest of Reed sons.

He could tell it was a recent one, clicked in the streets of Miami. On the very day, he couldn't contact her. Her phone being lost, the explanation she gave him.

How badly he wanted to confront her, to ask her the truth.

To hear her say it was not true.

A picture photoshopped perhaps?

But one look at those lowered eyes and streaming tears. And he knew, it wasn't that simple as it seemed.

She did indeed looked guilty.

What a shameless girl.

Did she really? And that also with Reed's eldest son?

She looked so innocent though!

This is rediculuous! Why are we even attending this function?

Declan clenches his fists. He didn't needed to hear everyone's more bullsh*t now.

He could see , how their words were affecting her.

They were no one to judge her and point fingers at her, when he himself didn't say a word to her.

He wanted his answers and he will get them from her.

But not like this.

Mrs Reed was fuming with anger. To be honest, he has never seen a women of her composure and class, loose her temper before.

But again ,this was not just trivial matter.

It was a matter of someone's future. Of Ezra's life.

"Ezra child. Don't be afraid. Calm down. "

"Come on stop crying. We are here."

Mr Reed was still taking the situation calmly. Rubbing Ezra's shoulder. But it seemed no one could console her.

She has already taken the blame.

Standing there since last 10 minutes. Staring at the floor blankly with tears streaming down her eyes.

Giving no justification. No reasons.

Nothing. Except silence.

Neil stood beside Declan. Trying to explain him.

"Dec man. Trust me. Our Ezra is not like that. And with bro? Never! They both can't even stand in a room for 5 minutes without fighting. Aaron doesn't even like her.he really hates her.....there has to be a mistake."

Declan just placed his hand on Neil's shoulder. Trying to calm him down.

"Relax. Don't worry."

He says, giving him a curt nod. To make Neil sigh. While Declan looks back at Ezra again.

Hate? Fights? Well, he wouldn't be surprised because he knew sometimes things are not what they always look like.

He needs to wait. To be patient. And let Ezra explain.

Everyone's focus shifts to the figure that enters the hall casually as if nothing has happened. That usual cold look on his face plastered, along with few traces of irritation this time.

"Aaron! What is the meaning of this!"

It was Mrs Reed that started. And Aaron just clenches his fist. Looking at Ezra, to find her  eyes fixed at the floor instead.

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