The Secret

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May sits alone in her room. Hugging a photo frame to her chest. Tears streaming down her eyes,as she hates herself for talking to her little Ezra in that tone.

But it was necessary.

Ezra was her life. The little girl was her everything. And she can leave behind anything. But her? Never.

In words Ezra had one of the most richest family in the country, the Reeds at her support. But other than them, without her. She had no one.

When she is not there.....who will take care of her?

Will my daughter be left alone?

May's thoughts were genuine. Especially when her eyes stop at a medical report she pulled out of a drawer.

No ..she can't leave her daughter alone when she is gone.

Yes, Mrs Reed will be there?

But again, to what extent. She is a giving and caring lady, she may take care of Ezra for few days even months.

But eventually? There will be a limit to her kindness and then Ezra will be left for her own.

The child will have no one.

Unless, May finds of a genuine loving boy for her Ezra.

Who will take care of her and make her his world.

May looks down to stare at her trembling hand, that has managed to slap her innocent Ezra.

And she cries more.

"I did it for you Ezra...I don't want a rich boy to take advantage of your innocence my precious daughter."

"I don't want you broken...when I am not there."

"Please forgive your mamma.
.... please.."

Few minutes later, once done with crying. She picks up her phone, cleaning the tears lining down her eyes.

To only dial a number.

The bell rings ,and she waits anxiously. Trying to gather herself.


"Mr Grey. Good evening. I am sorry to disturb you so late."

"May? Good evening. No problem dear. Tell. What's the concern?"

"Mr Grey told me about a boy that day
.....the one you think will be suitable for my Ezra. "

"Ah yes I remember May. The one who runs a restaurant in the city right? An amazing boy he is plus the family is also really nice. Not exceptionally loaded but yaa he has a decent earning."

"Yes. Him. Can we arrange a meeting with him? "

There is silence for next few seconds and May fears he will say no.

"Umm ya sure. I will inform them of your interest. Ezra is a really sweet girl, I am sure they will say yes."

"Thank you Mr Grey! Really!"

"No problem May, anything for you. How are you doing anyways?"

"I am fine. Thank you."

May lies. Biting her lip.

"Good. But have you talked to Ezra? Is she ready for this. What if she likes someone else?"

"I know my daughter Mr Grey. There is no boy in her life. Leave that on me."

"Sure. I will contact them and update you soon."

"Thank you Mr Grey."

"Please. Goodnight."

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