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"So the King kissed the princess. And claimed her as his in front of the entire Kingdom."

"Making it a happily ever after."

I finished the story to look at the children's faces. Small smiles lingering on their lips.

Closing the story book, I fold my arms, giving them my full attention.

"So anyone who wants to tell me, what's the moral of this story?"

Majority of the eyes lower down. Not willing. Except for few who eagerly raised their hands.

"Miss Ezra! Me! Please!"

One of the girls, almost pleads. Her eyes shining with excitement and I didn't had it in me to say no to her.

"Yes Venessa."

Getting up on her seat. She gulps to begin.

"The story tells us Mrs Ezra...that when we truly want something...even the gods bend to our whims to give it to us"

"The King....he truly loved the princess. And his true love kiss even brought her back from death."


"The journey is difficult Mrs Ezra. The king had to cross so many obstacles, but it didn't stop him."

I just stare at the girl ,lost in my thoughts. Was it true in real life? Do we really get what we truly wish for? The King didn't admitted defeat, then why was I giving up so easily ?

"Perseverance and hardwork, can move rocks Mrs Ezra. And this was just love."

How true. Why was I giving up then? No ..I have to try. I have to win his love.

A smile makes it's way on my face as I nod at her. The gloominess from the morning event fading away, filling me with determination.

"Excellent Venessa. That's...just perfect"

Everyone claps for her and she sits down. Her words still lingering in my mind.

Even kids can enlighten us sometimes.

The classes progress after it, yet her words. They got rooted inside me. And I knew, I had to try harder.

And I will.

I come back to a silent Villa with no one there. Not that anyone besides us was living here.

In comparison to the Reed Estate, it will get lonely here.

Placing down my bag, I went directly to the kitchen. Searching for something to eat, to only settle with a glass of milk and cookie.

When the bell rang.

Opening the door, I was in for a surprise when I saw Stel standing there. With a bouquet of flower in her hands.


"Stel? Wow!"

"I missed you so much bestie!"

She says pulling me for a hug and I hug her back. Taking her inside.

"Reed Estate has got so boring without you! And it's not just me !"

I smile. Offering her water, to only see her push it aside. Moving towards the bar.

"Oh come on my goody two shoes! It's evening already! Let's start the party!"

"But Stel it's-"

I wanted to stop her. Telling her not to touch anything that belongs to Aaron. But then I remembered, it's applicable only for me.  Not on guests.

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