The Kiss of fire

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" What good are my sugarcoated sweet words,

When in the end they are only going to leave you more hurt?

And what good is my tainted crazy Love,

If it makes you forget your own self love?"

- Aaron


             Aaron's pov

I have truly gone insane now. Just don't ask me how I am concealing it so well.

Gulping the drink, I cringe. To almost enjoy the burning in my throat.

Fuc*! I think I have gotten addicted to pain. Nothing seems to hurt anymore.

Unless my theory is again mocked at as I looking around at the lavish party.

Or rather as I would say, the engagement party.

To have my eyes settle at her.

She looked so fuc*ing beautiful, that I for a second just froze on seeing her .

That body hugging dress, highlighted her curves perfectly. Making her look like an angel , which has descended on earth.

She moves her hair to a side while talking to a guest and I curse, seeing that long slender neck I had showered with kisses on that drunken night.

Next she smiles, on something the person said.

And my eyes stop at those lips I have ravished sensuously. Dominating them-

Fuc*! Stop it!

I scream in my mind. Turning my back on her to only see Ben there, looking at me with brows furrowed.

"Bro? Are you fine?"

I gulp. Nodding. Hoping he hasn't seen me literally eye fuc*ing the soon to be bride.


It sounds so sinful!What's wrong with me?

"You don't look fine bro. Are you sure you are resting properly? Something is worrying you?"

I just dismiss his thoughts. Bringing up an excuse.

"Nope. Nothing. Just some work load. Nothing which I can't handle."

He nods. Yet there was something in the way he was looking at me, that told me he didn't seemed convinced.

"Hope it's just work. Anyways."

"Mom was looking for you. She said she gave you the duty to get the engagement cake?"

See this? It's like salt on my burns. I even have to arrange for the cake now?

How I wish I could get a stale cake and stuff this moron of a groom's face with it. And he doesn't arrive on the wedding day.

Sitting on a pot somewhere managing his sh**

I am loosing my sh**! I told you guys beforehand. What am I even thinking!

It was me...who made Aunt May find this decent guy. It was me who literally bribed people to make this Declan...see the real Ezra.

And now that he loves her and she is smiling around him.

I am jealous.


If not him ,Ezra has to get married to someone.

And based on the radar,  this Declan was better...way better than the usual lot I see playing around with girl's hearts like a fudging football.

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