The proposed

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              Ezra's pov

I sit in a cafe, wringling my hands in anxiousness. Looking around at the sweet and homely place.

It's been 20 minutes passed 6. Is the person not coming?

Picking up the glass of water, I gulp it. Shaking my right leg in anxiety. To look around.

People were busy laughing and chatting ,in the day's usual affairs.

"Excuse me Ma'am, what will you like to have?"

The waiter asks me the third time and I look at him with a sorry look. Not knowing what to do or say.
This was so embarrassing.

"I... actually. The person I am waiting for is still not here. Can you please wait for few minutes more?"

He sighs looking around.

"I have waited for a lot of time already."

"It's a bit crowded today Ma'am. Some people are waiting outside. Can you please  call the person and ask?"

"Ya. Sure. I...I will call and ask. Sorry!"

"Hurry up ma'am. Or else I will have to ask you to leave. You can't just sit here."

I smile apologetically. And he whispers lowly to himself. Making his words prick my heart.

"I don't know why people like her come here"

He was a bit rude. But he is reasonable.

Giving me one last irritated look ,he leaves. And  I stare at my phone in my hands, not knowing what to do?

Should I call mom?

No...I should wait. It's just 20 minutes. There can be an emergency.

My thoughts are interrupted by a glass shattering sound followed by a high squeak.

"Ouchhhhh! You stupid waiter! How dare you ruin my dress!"

" so sorry ma'am! suddenly got up-"

I see the same waiter, who was looking down at me apologizing to her.

"Such audacity! You dare to blame your mistake on me? Do you even know who I am? "

She screams at him. And I scrutinize the girl. Perfectly styled hair, a latest edition dress, expensive purse. Dolled up face.

Definately a rich man's daughter in comparison to the average looking waiter.

He lowers his eyes,as she steps closer to him. Looking down at him in disgust.

"Do you know how much this dress costs? Even your annual salary can't afford it!"

" am sorry ma'am I didn't knew. It was a mistake...."

"Mistake? A damn mistake? Your mistake ruined my dress completely! Only 2 dresses were made of this ! Only 2! How the hell will I get it now?"

I roll my eyes at her, how dramatic. It's just a dress girl.

"Call your manager now! I will get you fired this instance! Just how can they hire incompetent staff like you?"

Fear strikes the waiters eyes. As he nearly folds his hands together, pleading.

"No ma'am please! I am sorry! I... don't do this ma'am! "

"Shut up! Manager! Who the hell manages this place, come out!"

The girl starts screaming, drawing everyone's attention. While I put down the glass of water, sighing.

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