Move on

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She remains strong to her commitment. Keeping her trap shut, to only thrash in his grip.

Her wringling under his grip , aggravating his anger more.

"Stay still. What the hell!"

She doesn't , using her entire strength to get away from him. And that's when he has had enough of her.

Lifting her up from her waist, he places her on the marble slab and pushes himself to her. Pinning her hands on her either sides.

"Stop it Ezra."

She stills. Giving up the struggle, to look up at the ceiling. Ignoring his domineering presence completely.

His eyes set on her as he breathes heavily.

"Are you done? Can we talk decently now?"

She doesn't answer. Considering him not worth of her attention. Laying still, waiting for him to let her go.

"Fuc* Ezra! Speak up! This is getting on my nerves! "

She sets her calm brown eyes on his furious grey ones. And she could see his barriers breaking.

She was winning this, before even saying anything.

And that's when she decided to speak.

"Hope your girlfriend comes back to see you pinning another girl against her will."

"And sees you for the bastard you are Aaron Reed."

His anger worsens. Her challenging him, not settling well.

"Mind your tone, you stupid girl!"

"Don't forget who you are in this house."

And she scoffs, almost chuckling at his threat.

"Who I am ? Whatever it is Aaron, I am way better than a selfish man like you!"


"When were kids, I thought you had a heart of gold. You may be cold outside, but you were loving and caring for others."

Her eyes show incredulity ,as she says with dissapointement.

"But look at you now Aaron? You are a emotionless man who has no care about others feelings and well beings."

"Money, work and fuc* is all that you care about! You are a monster Aaron....a fuc*ing monster with no heart!"

"You used me, toyed with my even took my first kiss dammit!"

"Ezra! List-"

"No you shut up and listen you moron! I have had enough now!

"You have always given me a cold never talked to me properly. Even when we were kids, you let them bully me! You hated me like anything! Everyone else made me feel like family, but you? You never forget to tell me that I am an orphan left near a bin to die!"

"I am happy that I am Orphan okay? Well atleast being an orphan I am better than having people like you in my family!"

"Who is clubbing and fuc*ing around with his girlfriend on a Friday night ,when his own father is struggling in the hospital bed ,for his life!"

"I swear Aaron. The guilt would have killed you if something would have-"

"Ezra! SHUT UP!!"

He literally screams with so much anger, that she flinches for a second. His fist, hitting the marble slab beside her head.

Her Selfless Love( Complete)Where stories live. Discover now