Curtain of truth

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" Moving on is like getting on a train with your luggage still at the station.

You can either jump and go back to those things which will later make you regret your decision.

Or you can look ahead. And go on a new journey which will bring in your life new dreams and aspirations."

      - Suzan Gill


A cracking sound is heard as his fists connect with the man's jaw. Making blood to drop from the corner of his lips.

" Tell me fuc*er! Where is your coward of a boss!"

" Tell me!"

The man tries to wringle from Aaron's grip. Seeing his mates leaving him to run towards their cars safety. Fear of death evident in his eyes.

"Leave me... please..."

Aaron had a devilish smirk on his lips. Seeing the fear in the man's eyes. And he knew what he had to do next.

" Wrap up"

He commands. Dragging the person from his collar. To take him to his car. Throwing him inside to lock the door.

" Lock him in the basement. And don't stop till he opens his mouth."

He orders the head of security, throwing the car keys at him. And the man nods. Bowing.

" Of course Sir."

" But Sir. Won't you be coming along?"

The man asks and Aaron doesn't bother replying.

Taking out a cigarette from his pocket. He places it in between his lips. To take a long puff. Leaning on the car. Looking up at the sky.

" And your forehead Sir. It's bleeding. You should see a docto-"

"Just Fuc*ing do what I told you to."

He speaks coldly looking at the security head. Who gulps. Seeing that look in his eyes.

" Y- Yes Sir."

" Everyone. Let's go"

Rushing, the security team follows and they all sit in the car, leaving.

Aaron still continues to stare up at the dark sky. The wetness of blood. Running down from his temple to his chin.

Not bothering him.

Shaking his head. He tried to let go of that heaviness in his mind. Which keeps on returning.

That ringing. That sensation.

It was again playing games with him.

" Aggghhh!"

He curses as the sharp ringing keeps on increasing. To hold his head in his hands. Crouching down to sit on the floor as his vision becomes hazy.

No...fuc*.....not now!

He won't be vulnerable now! He still has to save her.

" Fuc* it!"

Cursing. He does it for her. To stay sane a little longer. Taking out the pill box from his pocket. He gulps the medicine.

Holding the railing to stand up. Breathing heavily.

It was coming down.

His vision was clearing.

The medicine was taking effect.  When he takes another puff of the smoke with his trembling fingers.

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