The Lost one

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          24 years ago-

The storm was raging ,with raindrops piercing down as sharp needles.

             The puddles were getting displaced by heavy footsteps rushing down. As a women runs looking behind her, wary of the men following her.

" That way! Hurry up!"

She hears them say and she involuntarily tightens her grip on the little child wrapped in the blankets in her arms. Her breathing rugged and eyes teary ,yet the determination indomitable.

She just has to reach the main road ahead, and they will be safe.

They will survive this night.

Ignoring the blood running down her forehead. And that throbbing pain in her head, she doesn't let her footsteps falter.

" Stop! Or we shoot!"

She doesn't stop. And why would she. When the betrayal of a family member has broken her completely. When the greatest treasure of their empire was in her arms , wanted to be killed.

When their families own blood has betrayed.

When suddenly the sound of a bullet being fired is heard and she tries to dodge it. A sharp pain erupts in her shoulder and her grip on the child loosens to be only supported by her other arm.

" Aghhhhh"

She cries in pain. Tears falling down her eyes. But she couldn't stop. Her footsteps refusing to falter. The crowded street was just few meters ahead...she had to just reach there. Looking down ,her teary brown eyes stop on the little girl in her arms who was oblivious to everything.

Ignorant of her mother's struggle for her safety, the child was deep asleep. And the women on seeing her peaceful face found the courage to fight harder.

" Fuc*! She is escaping! Surround her!"

Adrealine gushes in her as she almost reaches the street. Turning around the corner and leaning against a wall.

Breathing heavily on seeing the crowded street.

Her senses finding relief immediately.

There were people...a lot of people here. And she thought she was safe. Looking around, she found people giving her strange looks bit she didn't cared.

Hugging her child , tightly to her chest. She kisses the child's face. Her voice quivering as the raindrops quoted her tears.

" will happen to you my daughter... nothing.."

" Mama is here..mama will protect you"

She looks around for any danger. To find eyes fixed at her. They were trailing her... looking at her every movement.

And her body shivered.

She has to think of something. She can't let them take her daughter.

And that's when her eyes stop at a red phone booth. At a distance.

She has to tell him.

He has to know his wife and daughters life is in danger. He has to know that the betrayer he has been searching for so long is not an outsider, but one who he trusted the most.

His own blood.

But how? She can't take her child along or they will definitely catch them both.

Think! Think!

She looks around for a safe place. And that's when she found an empty bench in a corner. With a shade on top of it. It was hidden from everyone's eyes behind drums of garbage.

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