The game

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"There are millions others , twinkling around me at night , but you are not just any other star in the sky.

You are my Sun.

From whom I borrowed light ,
To survive each and every second of my life."

- Aaron Reed.


Ezra's body was trembling. Mind numb and senses lost. Gulping. She tries to feel the pain.

But nothing.

Is this the peace everyone talks about? Was she dead?

Scared. She opens her eyes. To only hear curses coming from in front of her.

" Fuc*! Fuc*! Fuc*! Ahhhhhhh! Sh*t!!!! Ahhhhhhhhh!

" Have you fucking lost it! What have you done!"

Ryan screams and Ezra looks up to only find those grey eyes of Aaron still fixed at her. Looking at her with a look she couldn't comprehend.

His arm extended with the gun held in his hands.Pointed to his left and she gulps. Following his aim.

Her stomach protested and eyes teared seeing it. A choked cry leaving her lips.

Blood. There was too much blood.

The bullet was rooted in Ryan's thighs. Making him scream in pain. Blood pooling around.

And Ezra felt light headed.

Wh-at was happening? Those grey eyes looked too dangerous.

She failed to recognise the man who stood in front of her.

" Have I lost my shit? Well I lost it years back. Don't you know?"

Aaron speaks. Still looking at Ezra. Blinking calmly. Not helping Ryan. And his voice alone was enough to send chills down everyone's spine.

It was emotionless. It sounded deadly.

" Aaron! See I am not your enemy. We planned to kill this girl and get her property. Remember?"

Ryan speaks struggling to get up. Holding his bleeding thigh. And Aaron lowers the gun.

To smirk.

Smiling to himself. Nodding.

" Oh yes. I remember. You wanted to kill this girl."

Stepping closer to Ezra. He looks at her blankly.

Moving his fingers to place her flick behind my ear. He speaks with coldness redefined.

" You wanted to kill Ezra? My Ezra, huh?"

Another bang is heard and Ezra closes her eyes. Flinching. To only hear Ryan's screams again.

" Ahhhhhhhhh! Fuc"! Nooooooo! Damn fuc*!!!!!!"

He has shot his other thigh. And Ezra was too scared to even open her eyes.

Who was the man in front of her?

She didn't recognise him.

He was not her Aaron.

" Shhhh doll. Don't be afraid. That bast*rd deserves it."

" He deserves it for hurting you."

Caressing her cheek. He smiles sadly at her. And his touch made her tremble.

" You asked me why I did all this? You wanted to know why right?"

" Well today I will show you why I asked you not to love me. Why I said I never deserved someone like you."

Her Selfless Love( Complete)Where stories live. Discover now