To loose control

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"A man of exceptional self control  like myself could resists any charm that was bestowed upon me in this life.

Yet , one look at your  entrancing doe like eyes.

And I was begging you to stop me before I become a sinner tonight."

- Aaron Reed


The night was young as they reach Aaron's private house. A sigh leaving his lips as he kills the engine and turns around to look at the sleeping beauty beside him.

Her forehead was covered in creases, a rogue hair intruding into the privacy of her plump lips, to only have her bite them.

A low groan of irritation , leaving them.


He calls, finally leaving her wrists, which he was still unknowingly holding. His eyes drifting lower to see his tight grip leaving redness around her pale pulsating wrists, and he again calls her, suppression the slight pang of guilt hitting his chest.


He says with more authority this time, to only have turn around in the seat. Showing him her back.


His eyes widen. Did she just? Few more minutes pass to see no movement from her side. And finally hits his palm on the steering wheel, rolling his eyes in irritation, to get out of the car and open her passenger door.

"Ezra! Get up! Don't expect me to pick you up and carry you inside now?

Her eyes finally open to stare at him. As he stood there in impatience, his hands placed on the either side of the door, waiting.

"Umm that so...u .."

She says opening both her arms to him and giving him a hundred watt smile while he just looks at the stupid girl in disbelief.

"Fine! Stay there for the night! I don't care!"

Turning around on his heels, he walks away from her. To only hear a voice from behind, making him smirk internally.

" .....I!"

He continues to walk a bit slower this time, aware of her clicking heels behind him. Her voice giving him a headache already.


He stops, to turn around to look at her. To only scoff.

Too damn slow.

Her feet were unsteady on the cobbled road, as she toiled to walk straight.
Her eyes dropping with hands opened in the Titanic pose.

Her purse laying on the road behind her unknown to her and one heel missing.

Placing his hands in his jacked pockets, he leans his back against a wall waiting for her to catch up.

"Aaro...n! are you?...I see 3 Aaron's here..."

He continues to stare at her.
Not doing anything to help her, to only see her struggle.

Good. She should bear the repercussions of her actions.
He won't come to save her everytime.


She cries again, a lone tear leaving her eyes. As she bites her lip.

To tired of the night...the feelings inside her body making her cry out ...not able to hold it.

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