Calling Trouble

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"She avoided arguing to prove her innocence, doesn't mean she couldn't.

Believing her one act of goodness will burn a million shadows that conspired with the evil."

- suzangill

It was dark. With the sun having set an hour ago. Walking down the cobbled road, she sees the dense crowd getting sparse. The further she walked.

Her eyes trail up from the gsp location to only sigh. It was still a kilometre from there.

She was feeling a little anxious, in the unknown street. But the determination to find the laptop. Burning in her.

Breathing heavily, she finally reaches the location. To find an old worn out house there. With paints peeled off, windows broken and tall grass grown around.

She had her doubts of anyone living there.

Looking around she thought of asking someone. But the street was deserted.

Strange place.

Tightening her grip on her sling bag, she gulps moving in. She has to check once atleast.

She was almost near the entrance door when she hears someone talking inside. And her doubt got confirmed.

They must be here.

Dropping her hand from the doors handle she crouches down to go towards the broken window. Picking herself up to look in.

"Man! We got a jackpot today! We are going to be rich!"

One said ,to only have the other 3 look at him with boredom.

"It's not that easy stupid. No one will buy it if it's locked. We need to first crack the code ."

"But aren't you an expert in it? You have unlocked so many phones and laptops before"

The person sighs to get up, and press few buttons on the keyboard.

"You see this? It has face recognition, 2 passwords and one number lock. If we fail more than 3 times. It will be locked forever."

"I can unlock the face recognition using the history traces but the other two? It's impossible."

"What the fuc*man! The man must be crazy!"

Ezra holds in a smile. If only they knew how indeed crazy he was.

"Yaa. But I guess there must be some business secrets in this.Or nothing else explains this..."

"Yaa. Anyways guys. What more did everyone else got?"

The third person asks looking around at everyone. As they slowly pull out phones, tabs and other stuff.

Ezra felt afraid of these people.

They were professional thieves. Their looks scary with piercings and tattoos everywhere.

Not knowing what to do, she contemplates. Hiding below the window.

She needs to get his Laptop. But how?

The most logical way was this.

Pulling out her phone, she thought of calling the police and informing them of these looters whereabouts.

The phone rings.

"Hello Miami police department. How may we help you?"

" Laptop was Stolen and I found out-"

Her words are lost. When she feels her phone being snatched from her hands. Turning around, she literally staggers back to fall.

Seeing a scary man looking down at her.

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