Shattering Sanity

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" They are right when they say one falls in love only once in life

Because I tried falling again and see where it got me.

Back in your arms tonight."

- Suzangill


" Dad,why are we here?"

Ezra says stepping down from the car. To look around at the place in confusion and Albert doesn't say anything.

He walks inside. Making Ezra to follow.

Her heart thudding with each step she took.

Albert stops in front of a heavy steel door and speaks something to the guard. The guard asks him to sign on a piece of paper. Once done.

He unlocks the door, urging them to follow.

However the scene inside was no where what Ezra had expected. Her heart dropping in her chest.

There were around hundreds of men. Wearing same clothes.

One was sitting on the floor silently. Not even moving. Just staring at a spot on the wall.

Another was playing with a steel spoon and plate. Banging the spoon on the plate every few seconds. Screaming again and again

" Food! Food!! Get me food!"

With no one paying heed to him.
Few were sitting together in a circle. Doing something with cards.

Laughing amongst themselves.

" Don't look Ezra. Just follow me."

Albert speaks softly. Holding her arm. On realising she has stopped walking behind him.

She looks up at him. To barely nod. Continuing.

When suddenly a man comes in front of her. Making her heart to thud faster. He had long hair. Brown teeth. And a crazy smile on his face.

" Hahaha see I have new clothes see!"


He speaks literally screaming.. Twirling around like a kid. Flashing that white dress with blue stripes. That everyone else was wearing.

And Ezra just tries to walk past him. Lowering her eyes. When he again blocks her

" Where are you going? See my dress! Isn't it nice! See!

Ezra's grip on Albert's forearm tightens.

" Tell me it's nice! Tell me!!"

His voice changes from carefree and childish to domineering. A dark look covering his eyes. Making Ezra to shudder.

When suddenly the guards rush in with sticks. Hitting him and he screams. His eyes widening in fear.

" Aggh! No! No don't hit me please! Please!"

" Go and sit on your place! Don't move from there."

" Ahh sorry! Sorry! Don't hit me no!"

He crawls back to a corner. Hugging himself. Hiding his face in between his knees.

Shivering and the guards finally leave him.

Ezra continues to stare at the man. Not able to understand. To feel pity for him or be scared.

Albert tugs her wrist.

" Come. Let's go."

She follows him. But her eyes. They stay fixed on the man who was sobbing in a corner now. With no one paying heed.

Her Selfless Love( Complete)Where stories live. Discover now