Chapter 1

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I just woke up and got ready and went down stairs to have breakfast.

"Hey mom and dad." I said when I got down stairs. Hey honey, are you excited for your first day of UA?" My mom said. Yea I am." I said before

I looked at the clock and realized that I was almost late so I told my parents that I want would take the bus there. I left my house and got on the bus. When I got off the bus I was surprised when I saw the building it was so beautiful and I was really excited to go inside. Class 1-a was my class went I walked in I was greeted by twenty kids and there teacher which his name happens to be mr. aizawa. "Oh great your here everyone meet our new student Y/N." He said.

Why is black haired kid just staring at me? It's kinda of weird. But I don't mind this happens all the time

"You can sit next to Deku," He said pointing at a empty seat next to a green hair kid which I think is Deku. I took my spot next to him.

"Hey my name is Izuku Midoriya but you can call me Deku nice to meet you what's yours." He said "Hey Deku my name is Y/N L/N but you can call me Y/N." I said with a smile. "That is a pretty name." He said smiling back at you.

Class ended and it was lunchtime while we were walking there this guys came up to you and started to talking with you his name was Sero he was kinda cute and we started to talk while we walked to the cafeteria to have lunch you guys were still talking about random stuff until you had a villain attack.

This was my first battle but luckily you had Sero by your side and you managed to take the villain down and you and Sero trained for a bit and after that you guys went back to our classroom like nothing happened.

Class was over and mr.aizawa lead us to our dorm rooms my dorm was next to bakugo which was the blond kid with red eyes. When he finished showing your dorms you went straight to your dorm and went straight to sleep.

Sero's POV
I went to my dorm still thinking about Y/N but I still feel like someone is trying to them away from me. I won't let that happen. Y/N is mine and only mine no one can take them away.

Sero was just lagging on his bed thinking about you. You were just too perfect for him and he just wanted you for himself. He reached under his bed and it was a box and in side of the box was pictures you.

"Y/N why don't you get it, you and me belong together but you just don't realize it yet but one day you will." He said staring at the picture of you smiling.

He put the photo back into the box and put the box back under the bed and fell asleep.

Well that is it for this part. I will see you weebs in the next chapter. Let me know in the comments what your favorite part was.

Yandere Sero x reader (Your Mine) Vol. 1 the obsessionWhere stories live. Discover now