Chapter 3

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I finished drinking my water and went back to my dorm and I didn't think that anyone would follow me although I did had a feeling that someone was following me. When I got back to my dorm I got my PJS on and went to bed and fell asleep.

After you fell asleep and you had a nightmare. You were in a black room you weren't tide up and you could move. But then you saw kirishima covered in blood you ran up to him trying to get a response from him.

"Kiri please wake." You said with tears in your eyes. "Y/N is that you?" Kiri asked. "Yes it's me, who did this to you." You asked about to cry. "Get away form Sero, stay away from him, He's coming for you." He said about to pass out. "Kiri please don't die I need you." You said crying. "I will be fine." He said. "Ok I will do it for you." You said about to crying. "hey don't cry I'll be fine okay." he said. "ok I love you kiri." you said giving him a kiss "I love you to Y/N." he said kissing you back.

You started running not knowing where your going but still thinking about kiri. You thought about about what kiri said to you.

Is this true? Is he really a killer? so many questions where going on in your head I didn't know what to say. Suddenly you woke up from that dream and it was early in the morning. "jeez this early in the morning."

You were tired but you had to get up. You got ready and decided to walk around the school. "hey Y/N were are you going?" a familiar voice called out. It was kirishima.

When you saw him I ran up to him and gave him a hug. "Y/N why are you up this early in the morning?" he asked with a concerned look on his face. "I had a nightmare that you were about to die and Sero was behind it."

You said while crying. "ok don't worry thanks for telling me this, I'll keep you safe." he said. "thank you kiri for being there by my side and I wanted to ask you if you want to take a walk with me until it is time for class?" I asked. "sure since I'm up." he said.

You and Kirishima went outside to go for a walk to get your mind off of the nightmare that you had but there was so many questions going though your mind about that nightmare that you had. But while you and kiri were talking and walking. You didn't realize that Sero was following you and kirishima.

Sero's POV
I was following Y/N but I was still mad that Kirishima was with Y/N instead of me. I wanted to kill me so bad. But they are just friends, right? I don't know but what I know is that no one is going to take my mi amor. "Y/N why does it have to be this way." "why are you replacing me with kirishima." but now I don't care anymore. You will be mine no matter what.

Sero thought that Kirishima was the last person that you were going to hang with but he was wrong.

Okay this chapter just got interesting. Let me know if you guys are ready for the next chapter. See you guys in the next chapter.

Yandere Sero x reader (Your Mine) Vol. 1 the obsessionWhere stories live. Discover now