Chapter 17

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Kiri was walking to your dorm because well you didn't have anything else to walk you back to your dorm plus you were getting worried that someone was following you. But you had Kiri with you and he was protecting you.

When you guys got to your dorm and when Kiri was about to walk away you stop him. "Hey Kiri can you spend the night please?" You asked. "Sure why not." He said. It was nice to Kiri with you because ever since testutestu was stabbed. Sure Kiri can be a little bit overprotective of you but you didn't mind it. Plus you and Kiri had the same shark onesie.

You and Kiri where talking when he asked if you can watch a shark movie you really liked that idea so you agreed Kiri put on the Meg and you suggested that you guys can put on your onesies he got really excited when you asked that and you guys got ready.

When you guys where done getting ready you sat on the couch while Kiri went to get some popcorn but instead of him going alone you went with him cause you want the same thing to happen to him. When the popcorn was done you guys sat down on the couch and watched the movie. (The doors where locked)

Half way into the movie you fell asleep in n Kiri's chest.

Kirishima's POV
Aww there so cute when they are sleeping. They're like a angel I so glad I am here with them. Why am I falling for them they are way out my league. Well I guess I'll just take sleeping beauty up to her room and I'll stay with them just in case they have a nightmare I will be there for them.

As Kiri got up her picked you up (bratle style) to your room he didn't notice that Sero was at the window and he pissed but he was going to wait until you guys got to UA. So he went back to his house.

Kiri put nicely on your bed he went on the other side then you woke up.

"Y/N can I tell you something?"  Kiri asked. "Yea what is it." You said. "I like you." Kiri said with his turning red like his hair. *In Y/N's head:* But I see him as a brother how am I going to tell him that "I'm sorry but I like someone else" you said. "Oh that is fine." Kiri replied.

You and Kiri were talking about the strange things that were happening to you and then something chicked in your head. The nightmare of Kiri about to die, Bakugo and Testutestu being stabbed, The photo of you with a bloody heart on it and that white car that was following you and Kiri was Sero you told Kiri about it and he was mad at Sero for doing this to you.

The next day you woke up and you guys went back too UA. Of course Sero was waiting for but you didn't want anything to do with you so you just ignored him. He tried so hard to get you attention but nothing worked.

You asked aizawa if you and Kiri can go to the police and you guys told him everything and he too was mad so he alowed you guys to go.

When you guys got there the police that were guarding you were there. You two told them everything.

"Would you like to press changes miss Y/N"

Hey guys sorry I am been away for so long I was taking a break cause for those of you that have Tiktok and are a fan of mha bakugo is not doing to well and that is why I haven't been updating as much as I used too but I can still watch yagmi yato audios of bakugo so yea if you guys are wondering why I stoped here it's because this wattpad story is almost done. I'm thinking about doing a vol.2 of this but it takes place after Sero goes to Prison and gets what ever sentence he get I am going to need to search it up and spoilers Tetsutetsu will be alive. By the time your reading I am editing some of the chapters like testutestu not dying for example and bakugo not dying either anyways I will see you in the last chapter on this wattpad story and vol. 2 of this story probably. Bye😁❤️

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