Chapter 6

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When you got to your parents house you were greeted by your big brother who just graduated collage and came home for the weekend.

"Hey sis how is UA going?" He asked. "It's going good, how is collage?" You asked him. "Oh it's ok and I've seen you on tv when the villains attacked. Your going to be a awesome hero some day." He said. "Aw thank you bro." You said with a smile on your face.

<time skip>

You and your family were playing games watching your favorite movies and it was getting late and everyone was already asleep. You were still up watching tv until you heard door bell ringing. You opens the door but no one was there. You tried around and saw a bloody hand print on your door

You were shocked and you were scared. You have a lot questions. Who rang the doorbell? Did someone follow me? Who's blood is that? Even tho that you were scared you decided to continue watching tv. A few minutes later and you fell asleep.

Sero's POV
Oh my sweet little angle is asleep. It is so cute when they are scared. I can't wait to see you in UA. Sleep well my darling I love you and I'll always will.

Sero gave a kiss on your forehead and left your house with a smile on his face. He walked towards the wood where he had someone tide up.

"Do you actually think that you can just my darling away from me." He asked. "Dud you are insane." The guy said "you got some nerve but I won't kill not yet." He said. "I'll just keep you here." He said before walking away.

*At night*

You woke up and it was 3:00 in the morning hearing someone knocking at your door. So you decided to investigate the knocking at the door. You went to open it and you did. You opened the door and there was nothing there until you looked down and there was a note. You picked it up and took it inside. You opened the note and it said "Hey Y/N you probably don't know who this is but I think it's best if you don't but I did have one question for you. I want to know why there are some many guys that want you. It's fine if you don't answer this note and that's ok well bye now." And at the bottom of the note in red it said Your Mine.

You were to scared to go sleep so you decided to call tetsutetsu and he picked up

*on the phone*

"Hey Y/N what's going on?" He asked "I'm scared I feel like someone is watching me." You said. "Ok ok calm down I'm on my way." He said. "Ok thank you." You said sounding more calm. "Text me when you are here." You said. "Ok I will." He said.

*call ended*

A few minutes later and you get a text from tetsutetsu saying that he was outside. You opened the door and he was there like he said. You let him inside and he suggested that you too would watch movies together. You agreed and you got the popcorn and you guys watched movies until 4:00 in the morning. You feel asleep on his shoulder it put a warm smile on his face and when you woke up you were on top of him.

You wanted to get up but you couldn't because he was so warm so you fell asleep. But Sero was getting jealous of you and tetsutetsu sleeping with each other. But he thought that you too were just sleeping but he was wrong because tetsutetsu had something for you this is when Sero he would loose you for good. But he couldn't let that happen.

Chapter 6 is finished and why is my own story getting interesting 😫😫 I don't know, but I can't wait for the next chapter to be finished it might take me a while. Bye weebs I'll see you all in the next chapter

Yandere Sero x reader (Your Mine) Vol. 1 the obsessionWhere stories live. Discover now