Chapter 13

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You and Tetsutetsu walked to his house and it felt really nice to walk with his house. "Hey Y/N do want to watch a movie with me?" He asked. "Sure I would love to." You said.

Tetsutetsu was blushing like crazy because he always had a crush on you and now he is going to watch a movie with you.

Tetsutetsu's POV
Oh my god I can't believe it they actually said yes. I have been waiting for this moment and now it's happening. Y/N the most hottest girl in UA and now I watching a movie with her. This is the moment I have been waiting for. Thank you Y/N for giving me this opportunity. It really means a lot.

You guys got to Tetsutetsu's house and you guys made some popcorn and watched the movie. That was until Tetsutetsu heard a sound coming from out side.

Tetsutetsu knew Sero and he was a great friend but he could've never know what the conquests would be. He went out side and there was nothing out there or so he thought.

He heard the door shut behind and it was locked form the inside. That is when he hear someone laughing like crazy.

"So we meet again Tetsutetsu." The voice said. "S-sero what are you doing he-." Tetsutetsu said before getting cut off by Sero stabbing him in the stomach. "The reason why I'm here is because you were trying to my Y/N away from me." Sero said looking down at Tetsutetsu.

"Y/N w-will never l-love y-you." Tetsutetsu said loosing too much blood. "Oh hell she will if I can't have her then no one can." Sero said before stabbing multiple times. "That is what happens when you try to take me live away from me." Sero said before walking away.

You woke up to find out that Tetsutetsu wasn't there so you went looking for him. You looked everywhere for him but you couldn't find him that was until you went to the back yard and Tetsutetsu was there on the ground with multiple stab wounds and your heart was broken.

"TETSU don't die on me please don't!!" You yelled trying to get a response out of him but nothing worked. So you called the 9-1-1

*On the phone*

9-1-1 operator
9-1-1 what's you emergency

Hello my friend he has multiple stab wounds and he is not responding

9-1-1 operator
Okay calm down we are going to
help your friend what is the street name
and what is the address

The street name is *********
and the address is *********

9-1-1 operator
Okay thank you we are sending a ambulance to your location please try to calm down.

Okay I'm calm I can hear the ambulance.

9-1-1 operator
Okay good now you are going get with him okay.

Okay thank you.

9-1-1 operator
Your welcome I hope he makes it

*Call ended*

The ambulance came and you went in with him all the way to the hospital. When you got there they took him out and you followed with some police officers just in case.

*A few hours later*

You were waiting for a few hours with one of the female police officers.

"Hey it's going to be ok." She said comforting you.
"Y-yea your right b-but what if he doesn't make it." You said.
"If he doesn't then we are going to be with you and we will try to find out who did it." She said.

"Ok thank you and what is your name?" You asked. "Oh my name is destiny." She said. "Oh that is a really nice, my name is Y/N." You said. "Nice." She said. "Thank you." You said. "Y/N L/N." The doctor said. "That's me." You said.  "good you and the cop can come with me."

You and officer destiny walked to were the doctor and followed him into the hallway. "You need to wait here." He to destiny. "Ok that's fine." She said.

You and the doctor walked to the room where Tetsutetsu was. Until the doctor told you the most terrible news.

"I'm sorry he has a lot of stab markes all over his stomach and he lost a lot of blood we are doing everything we can." The doctor said.

You ran out of the room crying all the way to the officer. "Hey hey what's going on what are you crying." destiny asked. "T-they said that that he lost a lot of blood and I don't think that he is going to make it." You said crying. "I-I'am so sorry, hey look at me we are you going to have some police officers with you and we are going to find out who did it." She said hugging you.

"O-okay and thank you destiny." You said. "Your welcome, now let's get you back home." She said. "Ok." You said. "Hey boys I am taking Y/N L/N home, I need some police officers to stay with her because her friend was stabbed multiple times in the stomach ." She said speaking into her walkie-talkie." You could hear someone on the walkie-talkie saying ok.

You went into destiny's police car and you just looked out the window. Until you arrived at your house. "Thank you." You said. "Your welcome." Destiny said before driving off.

You walked into you house and you noticed a note on the table.

"Hey Y/N we have went on vacation for a few weeks stay safe." Love, mom

Y/N's  POV
Oh great now my family went on vacation without me that is great. Well it's getting late I should go to bed.

You took a shower like you do every day got dry, got your PJS on and went to bed crying because they man that you had a crush on for so long was stabbed multiple times in the stomach. You couldn't stop crying but you eventually stop cried yourself to sleep.

Sero's POV
Oh my sweet Y/N why are you crying. Oh you are still sad because I killed Tetsutetsu you know I had too. He was trying to take you away from me. You know that I can't let the happen. But don't worry one day you will love me.

Sero eventually left to go to his go his house and he was just smiling all the way there. But little did he know that you were not alone.

Hey weebs and welcome back to this yandere Sero x Reader story. I finally finished chapter 13. Now my head hurts. Now I am sorry for not updating this. The reason is that I had a lot of stuff to do and this has to be the longest part that I have ever written in my life. Oh and also thank you for 157 readers and 2 votes I am really grateful for that so thank you. Anyways I hope you guys I have a good day or a good night and I will see you weebs in the next chapter. Bye weebs 😁❤️

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