Chapter 15 (Christmas Special)

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You woke up and it was Christmas you were really excited. That was till you got a call. It was Aizawa who was calling you.

*on the phone*
Aizawa: hey Y/N are you coming to the Christmas party today
Y/N: yea I am I will be right there
Aizawa: ok we will be waiting
*call ended*

As soon as you hanged up you went to your closet and got your Christma dress.

As soon as you hanged up you went to your closet and got your Christma dress

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Your dress A/N: I wish I had this for Christmas 🥲🥲

"Wow this looks so good on me." You thought to yourself. "But I still feel like I am being watched." You thought. But you just thought that you were just paranoid so you just continued to get ready. Just then you heard your phone ring so you picked up.

*on the phone*
Kirishima: hey Y/N
Y/N: oh hey Kiri
Kirishima: can I ask you something
Y/N: sure what is it
Kirishima: Will you be my date and can I pick you up
Y/N: of course I will and yes you can pick me up
Kirishima: ok I will there in a few minutes
Y/N: ok kiri bye
Kirishima: k bye
*call ended

You couldn't believe it kirishima asked you out. You were jumping up and down with excitement but maybe you were jumping too much because on of the cops came running up the stairs.

"Miss Y/N are you ok." The cop said. "Yea I am just excited because one of my classmates asked me out." You said. "Ok and they are picking you up right?" The cop asked. "Yea they are." You said. "Ok that is good." The cop said before walking out of your room.

You went down stairs just see if kirishima there but he wasn't.

*a few minutes later*

*knock* *knock*

You bread knocks at your door so you went to open it. It was Kiri and he was holding a dozen red flowers.

What Kiri was wearing A/N: the best suit that I could think of for Kiri

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What Kiri was wearing A/N: the best suit that I could think of for Kiri

What Kiri was wearing A/N: the best suit that I could think of for Kiri

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The flowers A/N: in my opinion kirishima would do this kind of thing

"Hey Y/N-wow you look so beautiful." Kirishima said. "Thank you so look so handsome in that suit there Kiri." You said with a smile on your face.

Kirishima was blushing so hard and you noticed right away. You had to slap Kiri across the face to snap him into reality.

"Should we get going Kiri?" You asked. "Yea come on let's go." Kiri said.

Kirishima walked you to his car and opened and closed the door for you and went into his side which was the driver seat of the car and shut the door.

Kirishima's car was parked in your driveway so it wasn't that long of a walk to get there.

Kirishima was the friend that you always wanted. He was really comforting, manly, and he can be a little bit overprotective but you didn't mind it at all.

As you two we're driving away Sero at the back of your house just watching as the car drove away.

Sero's POV
God damn it... kirishima you bastard. How dare you try to take my Y/N away from me. The next time I see you Y/N or even kissing her...then you are a deadman. Don't worry Y/N soon you will be mine.

Now Sero was getting ready jealous of you and kirishima friendship. So now he is determined to kill kirishima but he does know that one wrong move and he will go to jail.

Hey weebs and welcome back to this yandere Sero x reader. I'm sorry that I haven't been posting. I just want to say thank so much for 211 reads and 16 votes it really means a lot. But most of the votes are from @Seros_Left_Elbow it really means a lot. Anyways I hope all you beautiful weebs have a happy holiday and a happy new year and I will see you weebs in the next chapter. Bye weebs and happy holidays 😁❤️🎄🎁

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