Chapter 9

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You and kirishima went on your date and it was really nice and Kiri was just being Kiri making jokes, making you smile and that nice stuff. When the date was over you both went back to your dorms to get some sleep. When you got to your dorm you waved kirishima goodnight.

He waved back and walked to his dorm but when he got there he saw a note on his door so he decided to read it and it said. "Hey there kirishima eijiro I heard that you went on a date with Y/N, well I have something to tell you, and written in blood it read, Stay away from Y/N or I will kill you.

He couldn't believe that someone was going to kill him if he didn't stay away from you but he thought that it was a cringe letter left by a fan but he was wrong.

Sero's POV
"So you think that you can just take my Y/N away from me Kirishima well guess what you got another thing coming." He said with a smirk on his face. This is the finale straw, if I see someone with Y/N one more time they are dead. Don't worry Y/N you won't have to worry about them because when they are all gone I will have you all to myself even if you try to run I will find you.

Now this was the finale straw for Sero. Now he was really going kill someone. But you didn't think that he would actually kill someone. So you decided to go on a walk but when you were on your way to get out the door you heard someone yell your name and it was bakugo.

"Y/N we're are you going" he asked. "Oh I was just going for a walk." You said. "Can I come with you?" He asked. "Sure." You said smiling as you took his hand into yours.

Sero's POV
That is it I have had it with all of these people trying to take you away from me. I know they are my classmates but Y/N is different she's mine all mine and that is all. I don't care how many people I have to kill, if it means that I can have Y/N all to myself.

You and bakugo went on a walk together and it was quite nice having someone with you. You really wanted to stay but you knew that you guys had to get bake to the dorms. So, the two of you walk all the way back to the dorms. Bakugo an you walked to your dorms. You went inside your dorm but you had a strange feeling that Sero might actually kill someone. But you still didn't believe it you just thought that you were just paranoid but the next day there will be something that you will not forget.
(A/N: You and bakugo's dorms are right next to each other)

Hey weebs how is your day so far? Anyways thank you for reading this Yandere Sero x Reader and sorry the next part might be late because I am on vacation in Florida. Oh and before I forget I am working on a Yandere kiribaku x Reader story that I am hoping to finish. And yea that is it for today. I will try to make the next part to this story if I can. Thank you again. 😁❤️

Yandere Sero x reader (Your Mine) Vol. 1 the obsessionWhere stories live. Discover now