Chapter 14

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When you woke up you went down stairs to get yourself a glass of water you were thinking about him and praying to god that he will make it out ok.

You had some police guarding you and you were talking to one of them outside.

"Tetsutetsu was a great friend. What human being would do this but we have to stay strong for him and I swear I will find the person who did this and I have a feeling that it's one of you who knows." You said with a serious expression on your face.

When it was over you and the police officers walked to the car. You looked down and that's when you saw a picture of you. But there was a heart on it. But it wasn't I normal looking heart it was a bloody heart.

This gave you the chills because someone is that crazy over you

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This gave you the chills because someone is that crazy over you. You showed this to the cops and they told you to keep it just in case. So it can be used for evidence.

You continued to walk back to the cop car. When you got in they drove you back to your house you looked at the photo and something gave you the chills. "Where did this come from?" You thought. "Maybe I should look on the back to make sure if there is anything else on there that I haven't seen yet." You thought flipping the photo around.

When you flipped over the photo you wished that you never turned the photo over. On the back of the photo was bloody handwriting and it said "You will be mine."

There was no name on it so who would write this. You decided that you would tell anyone about what you saw on the back of the photo.

"Miss L/N we're are." One of the officers said. "Ok and thank you for the ride." You said giving the officer a warm smile. "Your welcome." The officer said before driving off.

*Night Time*

*sigh* Well that was something well I better get ready for bed. But why do I get the face that someone is watching me. No no I'm just paranoid. Yea I'm just paranoid.

You were getting your PJS when you heard gunshots. That's when one of the officers ran into your room.

"Miss L/N are you ok?" The officer asked with a scared look on his face. "Y-yea I'm fine." You said looking confused and scared at the same time. "Ok thank god your ok, oh and one of the officers was found dead in the woods." The officer said.

"When was this?" You asked. "Just a few minutes ago and we've managed to get some pictures, here you go." The officer said handing you the photo. "Ok thank you, now I need to go to sleep, goodnight." You said close if your bedroom door. "Goodnight Miss L/N." The officer said before leaving.

You got on your PJS and went to sleep. You were still thinking about the two pieces of evidence that you have so far. A photo of you with bloody hand writing on the back, and the photo of one of the cops that looked after you.

You were trying to figure out who it could be but something wasn't adding up. But you were too tired so you just went to sleep so you have energy to figure out on who it could in the morning.

Sero's POV
Y/N... why are you doing this to me. Don't you get it. I love you but no you're just trying to put me in jail. You know what I'll just have to make sure you don't try and get away from me. Goodnight my love.

Now that Sero knows that your on the police side he will have to make sure that ever single cop dies
Hey weebs and welcome back to this yandere Sero x reader. So I don't think that this story is ever going to end maybe I don't know but I am 99% sure that this story is never going to end. I hope you guys enjoyed the story and I will see you guys in the next chapter. Bye weebs 😁❤️

Yandere Sero x reader (Your Mine) Vol. 1 the obsessionWhere stories live. Discover now