Chapter 16 (Christmas special part 2)

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You and kirishima were in his car driving to the party until you started to cry. "Hey Y/N look at me I know you are sad about testutestu but you have me." Kirishima said with his hand on your cheek wiping your tears away. "Yea your right thank you. You said. "Your welcome Y/N and we are almost there." He said.

So you guys almost there to the party and you were just looking out the window. You just thinking about all the attacks that happened over the past weeks. First it was bakugo then it was testutestu and now it was one of the police officers that were taking care of you. This was freaking you out. But you had to stay calm and to be patient and the cop

*a few minutes later*

You guys were almost there when you saw a white car following you. You told kiri and he noticed as well. "kiri do you see that?" you said with your voice shacking. "yea I do and I got a bad feeling about this." kiri said still keeping his eyes on the road. "so what are we going to do kiri." you asked while still keeping your eyes on the car. "we're going to have to take a short cut don't worry this car can blend into the dark and it will make this ride go quicker." kiri said with a fearless smirk on his face.

Just like that kiri made a sharp turn and the car couldn't keep up and you guys lost who ever was in the car behind you guys. When you guys got out of the short cut you made it with 5 minutes to spare.

Kirishima got out of the car and came to your side of the car and opened the door for you. You and kiri walked to the party was held and you guys had a good time there.

Kirishima's POV
Me and Y/N were talking about Random stuff when Y/N went to go to used the bathroom. I have been notified about the murders that happened so I had to keep a close eye on Y/N to make sure that nothing happens to her. But I think I should tell her that I am working with the police but I don't how she will take it, well give it a shot. I will tell her when she gets out of the bathroom.

You got out the bathroom and that is when Kiri decided to tell you.

"Hey Y/N can we talk?" Kiri asked. "Sure what is it." You said. "Well I have been working with the police for a while." Kiri said. But the way you reacted made Kiri feel better about himself. "Thank you Kiri." You said giving Kiri a hug.
Kiri hugged you back as tight as you hugged him.

Sero's POV
Oh hell no Kiri you have no right to be putting your hands on her she is mine not yours and Y/N why are you letting him to put is hands on you I thought that you won't let him touch you but looks like I have to take this to the next level.

Now things are going to get serious with Sero because that face that Kiri was putting his hand on you. But he was in a good mood always you were save. But there is someone else in the Sero's way now that will be trying to take you away. But what he didn't know was that that the love of his life will be lost for ever

Hey guys and welcome to the next part of this Yandere Sero x reader and just to let all know that I AM NOT DEAD. Sorry I was gone for a while I just took a break from writing but I will try to get more early updates in the future. Anyways I love all of you beautiful/handsome weebs and I will see you guys in the next chapter. Bye weebs 😁❤️

Yandere Sero x reader (Your Mine) Vol. 1 the obsessionWhere stories live. Discover now