Chapter 7

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Sero was still stocked that you and tetsutetsu were sleeping together. At this point he was thinking we would happen if he lost you and were in a relationship with tetsutetsu it would break his heart because the person that he loved the most was just taken away from him. So he needed to make sure that didn't happen because he wanted you all to himself.

Sero's POV
It's getting late so I went back to the dorms still thinking about Y/N. When I got back I was still upset that Y/N and tetsutetsu were cuddling. "why Y/N, why him. why were you cuddling him instead of me. I just don't understand." talking to himself.

When he got into his dorm he just laid there just staring at the ceiling just thinking about what he just saw. A few minutes later and he took the little box that was under his bed that had pictures of you. He was just looking at the pictures of you but he still believe what saw. But it was only the first day of the weekend so there is always tomorrow for him. So he put all the pictures back into the box and put the box back under his bed and fell asleep.

It was the next morning and I smelled something good so I went into the kitchen and I found my mom cooking breakfast.

"good morning sweetie how did you sleep?" your mom asked with a smile on her face. "yea I did." you said. "that's good to hear." your mom said.

You ate your breakfast and you went up to your room to get ready. You went back down stairs only to find out that tetsutetsu was still sleeping. So you decided to wake him up.

"Y/N why are you waking me up?" he said in a sleepy voice. "because you need to get up." you said trying to wake him up. "Okay I'm up." He said getting up.

He got up and ate breakfast as well and he asked you if you wanted to go for a walk and you said yes. You told your mom that you and tetsutetsu were going for a walk. You both got ready and put your shoes on and went for your walk.

"You know Y/N taking a walk with you is quite nice." He said. "You really mean that." You said. "Yea I really do." He said smiling. "Me too tetsutetsu." You said smiling back.

You guys were walking for a while and you guys decided to go back home and you guys walking back home and you knew that tetsutetsu had to go back to his dorm so you said goodbye to tetsutetsu before you went back into your house.

<At this point it's night time>

Man today was a good day but it's time to go to bed. But I'm really not that tired so I'm going to watch some movies until I fell sleepy. I made myself some popcorn and watched some movies. After watching a few movies I fell asleep.

Your were asleep thinking that nobody was watching you but you were wrong because Sero was watching you through your window.

Sero's POV
Oh Y/N you look so beautiful when you are asleep. I love you so much my darling. I won't let anyone take you away from me. You are mine and mine alone. You will understand some day. Sleep well my darling.

Sero left your house and went back to UA to get back to his dorm luckily he didn't get caught. He couldn't wait to see you again. He knew for sure that tetsutetsu that would try to take you away from him but he was wrong

Hey weebs and welcome back to another chapter of this Yandere Sero x Y/N story I hope you guys like it. I will see you all in the next chapter. Stay safe weebs I love you all.

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