Chapter 10

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As walked to his dorm he felt someone tap him on the shoulder and it was Sero. Bakugo didn't know why Sero was up at this time but he thought that he just need to get a glass of water.

"Hey Sero what are you doing up at this time" Bakugo asked.
"Oh nothing." Sero said. "Ok." bakugo with a conferenced look on his face. "Oh an that reminds me can you come with me I want to show you something." Sero said. "Ok let's go." Bakugo said.

Bakugo and Sero walked for 9 minutes until Sero tried into Aliway. "Hey Sero is this the place" bakugo asked. "Yes this is the place." Sero said. "Ok I trust you" Bakugo said. Bakugo and Sero went into the Aliway and bakugo couldn't see anything. Then he felt something sharp going into his stomach. He fell to the floor landing on his knees. He looked up and he could see Sero holding a knife.

"Sero what do you think your doing" bakugo said. "Try to keep you away from my Y/N." He while smiling. "Sero your crazy man." He said. "You don't have to do this." Bakugo said. "You should've thought of that when you decided to steal my Y/N." Sero said with my smile on his face.

Bakugo was losing a lot of blood and while that was happening Sero was laughing then stabbing Bakugo 6 times but he managed to knock him off and get out of there

Sero's POV
Danm bakugo you put up a good fight but th next you try to take Y/N away from me you are dead. I better change out of these bloody cloths, take a shower, clean the knife and head back to the dorms hopefully no one with noise, not even Y/N.

Sero walked out of the aliway and back to the dorms prying that he doesn't get caught. He got to the dorms without getting caught.

*The next day*

You woke up and started getting ready for class. When you got out of your dorm there was a police officer waiting for you. "uh hey what are you doing standing infront of my dorm door?" you asked. "Your friend katsuki bakugo was stabbed but he is ok he want us to tell you." the officer said. "Omg I-I didn't know thank you" you said while crying. "Have a good day miss Y/N" the officer said walking away.

You closed the door the entire school day. You just stayed in your dorm the entire day cause the fact that bakugo was attacked made your heart raise. But you were just glade that bakugo was ok.

Hey weebs and welcome back to this yandere sero x Reader and I am sorry the I had to finish this chapter on Halloween but I will be making chapter 11 right after this. Happy Halloween 🎃

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