Chapter 2

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I woke up got ready and walked out and I saw bakugo waiting for me outside my dorm.

"Oh hey bakugo,what are you doing outside my dorm room?" I asked. "Nothing I just felt waiting for you."he said. "Ok bakugo, do you want to walk with me to class?" I asked "I guess." He said.

I grabbed his hand his hand and started walking to class

As bakugo and you were walking together Sero came out of his dorm room

Sero's POV:
I just woke up and I had the best dream about Y/N and me but as I was walking out I can see Y/N holding Bakugo's hand.

"Why is Y/N holding bakugo's hand,is he trying to taking my darling away from me?."

Too many questions were going through my head it felt like my heart was just shattered there was nothing there. There was no feeling inside of me but the one feeling that I could feel was rage because all of the bent up rage that I feel makes me want to kill him and make sure that no one was going to take my darling away from me.

Me and Bakugo walked all the way to our class and we took our class. It was pretty boring but I wasn't going to complain. Class ended and it was time for lunch and so of course I went to Sero and gave him hug and he hugged me back I loved it and I started to have crush on him.

After you and Sero got done hugging you guys went to the cafeteria and had your lunch.

Sero's POV
When they hugged me I felt something was this love I can't tell but the they are looking at me maybe they do like me.

Lunch ended and we had to go train. we went back to the classroom but luckily Sero was with me while we were training and I was happy being here. Through the entire class I was thinking about how I can tell Sero that I like him.

Sero's POV
The minute that got to my seat I started wondering if they liked me back I was really nervous but I was still mad that they were holding bakugo's hand instead of mine. I don't think they like me back and I think that they like Bakugo more then me I can't let that happen and I won't let it.

The school day ended and it was getting late and it was time to go the dorms just then a red head came up to you.

"Hey my name is kirishima what's yours?" He asked "My is Y/N nice to meet you." I said. "That's a manly name." He said.

I began to blush and I had forgotten that I had a crush on Sero. Kiri walked me to my dorm and he walked to his dorm I made sure to lock my door. I put my pajamas on and went to bed.

Sero's POV
I went back to my dorm room still full of rage that she would replace me with kirishima but I still loved them and some day they will get it

You got up because you were thirsty so you went to get glass of water and Kiri was there you guys started talking for awhile. You got your glass of water.

After you were done drinking your water you said goodnight to Kiri and walked back to your dorm but you didn't realize that Sero was watching you.

Hey weebs and welcome back to the next part of this Yandere Sero x reader I hope you all like it. I will see all in the next chapter.

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